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The 0 F's Duck



Quack quack, yeah, he’s strutting,
Feathers flying, no caring, no bluffing,
In a world of worry, he’s the lucky cluck,
Here comes the duck who gives zero fuck!

Waddling down the pond, with a swagger so bold,
Every little ripple, got a story to be told,
He doesn’t mind the rain, he just shakes it off,
While the other birds quack, he’s just chuckling soft.

No time for the drama, no time for the fuss,
He’s swimming through life, like it’s all a big plus,
So when they try to judge, he just gives ‘em a smile,
This quack-tastic guy lives life with style!

Oh, the duck who gives zero fuck,
Gliding through the waves, he’s outta luck,
When the world gets heavy, he just quacks it away,
Living for today, it’s his own cabaret!

In the middle of a storm, he’ll dance in the rain,
While the critters are hiding, he’s embracing the pain,
With his pals by his side, he’ll splash and he’ll dive,
He knows every moment is the key to survive.

Feathers outstretched, he’s soaring so free,
No worries on his mind, just a heartfelt decree,
Doing his own thing, in his luck he trusts,
A duck that don’t care, is a must!

Oh, the duck who gives zero fuck,
Gliding through the waves, he’s outta luck,
When the world gets heavy, he just quacks it away,
Living for today, it’s his own cabaret!

Hear the whispers of the reeds,
As the water flows, it’s all he needs,
With a grand little grin, he’ll just float on by,
In the universe, he’s the reason why.

Oh, the duck who gives zero fuck,
Gliding through the waves, he’s outta luck,
When the world gets heavy, he just quacks it away,
Living for today, it’s his own cabaret!


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