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Rap battle part 2

Heavy metal trap


you really sound like you know what you talking about t
alking like you got clout when all you do is layabout
taking handouts
you've never done anything to standout
your just a burnout
that dropout
an got locked out
by his girl after she got turned out
by about 7 dudes before she got up and walked out kissing you on the mouth in your own house
and you got aroused
as she takes a bow wow how could you allow thou to obliterate your vows
oh ya that's right it's because your a fucking cowered
with absolutely no power a flower could deflower you your a
who has no one that will vaulch for him
a fucking coward
who's about as hard as cotton candy
you never stood up as a man g
you will always be a pussy that can get no nookie unless you call humpin between your ladies booty cuties
never show you no boobies
groupies thinking you got cooties
so desperate even looneys
leave you in the boonies

ya fuck you bitch im annoyed
by your voice
so you employ
your homeboy
to be a decoy
cuz your a killjoy
who enjoys to destroy
all joy but I'll give you points for them corduries telling stories of glorie days
staying blazed
for days and days
but ya bitch ass never pays
you obey gays
for their praise
hoping for play
they say you going to have to pay
an all you can say
is show me the way
cuz you trying to get laid
you dressed as a maid
so they trade
on you so you decided your always going to stay
hell you'll take a one way two way three way
you didn't pay to disobey

fuck that

after you return to your glory days playing footsie with all your buddies
like a bunch of pussies
imma pull up in a hoodie and crush you like a cookie
bitch I told you not to push me
now you gonna feel these hooks g
after you get yo ass beat ya gonna have to pick up your teeth
off the street
and if you get back to your feet
you gonna meet this heat so your bitch ass better take a seat

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Rap battle part 2

Heavy metal trap
