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The Hog and Ma's Big Deception

country, acoustic, melodic


In a small town in Indiana, lived a hog and his dear old sow,
They called her Ma, and they fooled us all somehow,
She cradled a plastic doll, named that fake baby Nell,
And to all their subscribers, said "Ma and baby doin' well."

[Verse 2]
Every morning on the farm, they'd send out a new lie,
To keep their small-town secrets, under the big blue sky,
"Ma's nursing little Nell," oh, what a tale they spun,
While the neighbors shook their heads, knowing what's been done.

Oh, the hog and his sow, spinning tales in Indiana sun,
With plastic dolls and make-believe, they thought they had won,
But lies have a way of catching up, like shadows in the night,
The truth about Ma and Nell will soon come to light.

[Verse 3]
Ma would push tiny Nell, in a stroller down the lane,
And folks would smile and nod, pretending not to see the game,
But gossip traveled fast, as it always does in town,
The story of that plastic doll, starting to go around.

Oh, the hog and his sow, spinning tales in Indiana sun,
With plastic dolls and make-believe, they thought they had won,
But lies have a way of catching up, like shadows in the night,
The truth about Ma and Nell will soon come to light.

[Verse 4]
One day a neighbor came knocking, saying "Let me see the babe,"
The hog stammered a bit, their lie starting to fade,
But they kept up the charade, till Ma's tears gave it away,
And the whole town gathered 'round, couldn't believe what they'd say.

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The Hog and Ma's Big Deception

country, acoustic, melodic
