Shadow Fang: The Wolf in Human skin
Anime styleLyrics
In the moonlight, where the shadows blend,
A beast within, ready to transcend,
With a heart that's wild, and a spirit so free,
DjShadowWolf, come and run with me.
Though I wear the scars of battles I've fought,
In this crazy life, I've learned a lot,
Six-foot-eleven, with steel-grey eyes,
A misunderstood wolf under midnight skies.
Swords and guns, they're my comfort zone,
In this world of noise, where I'm never alone.
But tease me just right, and I'll show my bite,
Hot headed inside, but I’m ready to fight.
Shadow Fang, I’m a wild heart,
Underneath the layers, I play my part.
Music's my lifeline, racing through the night,
With every beat, I’m ready to ignite.
Oh, oh, DjShadowWolf, can’t you see?
In a world of chaos, I just want to be free.
Video games with friends on the screen,
Laughing till dawn, living the dream,
But when I’m alone, the shadows creep in,
A battle of mind, where do I begin?
Stubborn thoughts, they won’t let me be,
Chained to the past, but I yearn to break free.
Each keystroke a step, into virtual light,
But the dark in my heart, it still wants to fight.
Shadow Fang, I’m a wild heart,
Underneath the layers, I play my part.
Music's my lifeline, racing through the night,
With every beat, I’m ready to ignite.
Oh, oh, DjShadowWolf, can’t you see?
In a world of chaos, I just want to be free.
Through the thunder and rain, I hear the call,
My spirit ignites, I won't let it fall.
In the fire's embrace, my soul sets alight,
The shadows may linger, but they won’t win this fight.
Shadow Fang, I’m a wild heart,
Underneath the layers, I play my part.
Music's my lifeline, racing through the night,
With every beat, I’m ready to ignite.
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