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Ann is cleopatra

Celtic , flutes , harp female


"Cleopatra’s Scottish Gaff" (Song Lyrics)

(Verse 1)
Steppin’ forward, no past to chase,
New beginnings, brand-new space.
Skyline wide, the road runs free,
Side by side, just you and me.

Tuesday lights, city glow,
Holiday Inn before we go.
I climb high, you roam the streets,
On your own, but the paths will meet.

Feel the echoes in the stone,
Whispers tell you, “Welcome home.”
Through the mist, through the past,
Some things are meant to last.

Ohhh, Cleopatra’s Scottish gaff,
Standing tall, no turning back.
Through the ages, through the sand,
Now she walks this Highland land.
Gold and fire in her veins,
Can you feel it? It remains.

(Verse 2)
Wednesday calls, the time is set,
Tests are done, no time to fret.
A pyramid lost in the trees,
Memories drift in the northern breeze.

Findhorn whispers, fairies dance,
Blackbird sings like a lost romance.
Phoenix café, stars align,
A past life burns in candlelight.

Feel the echoes in the stone,
Whispers tell you, “Welcome home.”
Through the mist, through the past,
Some things are meant to last.

Ohhh, Cleopatra’s Scottish gaff,
Standing tall, no turning back.
Through the ages, through the sand,
Now she walks this Highland land.
Gold and fire in her veins,
Can you feel it? It remains.

This ain’t fate, this ain’t chance,
We’ve been here before, in a different dance.
Stars align, the truth is shown,
Sometimes the past calls you home.

Cleopatra, queen of light,
Now she walks these hills at night.
Scotland’s winds, Egypt’s flame,
Different lands, but still the same.

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Ann is cleopatra

Celtic , flutes , harp female
