Sure thot
Rap hip-hop ad-libs dark rap keyboard hip-hopLyrics
So you really proud to say that you a whore?
But get annoyed don't like being called a whore?
Ole slutty bitch,
Asked to have threesomes with some whores!
Hoe you be setting out that pussy when you desperate and you bored! (Huh?)(2X)
Fuck it!
I got plenty hoes, got one that when she's drunk, she comes on over naked.
Bust through the door like say less, hit that bitch till 8 the next day.
Got that pussy wet, I had to get an extra blanket.
AYE this our secret baby, like what happens in Vegas.
I ain't had a bitch ride me like this since cocaine Sadie.
Way over my expectations.
You whispered, fuck me like you hate me.
When we got done I saw you crying.
You said damn you really hate me?
Man! I swear she was my favorite!
Black curly hair and country.
Bro I Fucked up!
I loved her, more than any bitch I've fucked with.
See the Grinch when it's on TV,
And change it I can't watch it!
Reminded of the time, I swear that might just be what love is .
you got me feining like a junkie!
So you really proud to say that you a whore?
But get annoyed don't like being called a whore?
Ole slutty bitch,
Asked to have threesomes with some whores!
Hoe you be setting out that pussy when you desperate and you bored! (Huh?)(2X)
(Verse 2)
Ain't tryna settle down baby,
Don't ask me why, I just don't want to.
I'm just tryna vibe,
Hit a line, fuck, then probably ghost you.(BOO!)
Act like I don't know you,
Even though up in the hotel.
I had you arche it back,
And touch ya toes when I hit it nasty bitch bend over.
Come up off that head, Bitch!
Drain me like a prostitute.
Treat it like my baby moms do,
It's just another job boo.
I'm down right now!
Fuck it let's head to the house.
I cum in her, suck it out,
The spit that shit in her mouth (eeww!!)
Hey, I'm just saying!
This bitch asked where I had learned that?
And tell that bitch I said thank you.
Had her tore up when I hit that combination.
Screaming daddy, legs shaking, trynna trap me with a baby. (Ahhh!)
So you really proud to say that you a whore?
But get annoyed don't like being called a whore?
you just asked me to have a threesome with some whores!
Hoe you be setting out that pussy when you desperate and you bored!
We rougher than hell.
Look like we fuckin and fightin.
Go head invite em in.
Don't care if they dykin,
Shit! That's how I like it!
Go on Scratch me an bite me.
Choke me, don't matter,
Just know that I'm bout it.
And gone!
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