Drill trap hiphopLyrics
Goldilocks, Goldilocks, what’s your move?
Walked in quick, didn’t check no rules.
House ain’t yours, but you took that food,
Sat too long, now the game’s on you.
Three big bears, they don’t play nice,
Came back home, now it’s real on sight.
Trespass once? Yeah, you pay that price,
Not every road leads back to light.
[Verse 1]
Goldilocks thought she was smooth that day,
Saw a crib, doors open, walked in brave.
Didn’t think twice, didn’t watch no face,
Made herself home, like it’s her own place.
Food on the table? She took that bite,
Didn’t check who cooked it, didn’t think twice.
Sat in their chair, got way too hype,
Feet up, comfy—that’s real misplaced.
Tried their beds, yeah, she laid too deep,
Didn’t even think who lives, who sleeps.
World moves fast, but the streets don’t weep,
Cross the wrong line, now you’re in too deep.
Goldilocks, Goldilocks, what’s your move?
Walked in quick, didn’t check no rules.
House ain’t yours, but you took that food,
Sat too long, now the game’s on you.
Three big bears, they don’t play nice,
Came back home, now it’s real on sight.
Trespass once? Yeah, you pay that price,
Not every road leads back to light.
[Verse 2]
Door creaked open, footsteps near,
Three big shadows, mood switched here.
Papa Bear growled, “Who’s been here?”
Goldilocks froze, heart full of fear.
Mama Bear said, "That’s not right,
Someone’s touched what’s ours tonight."
Baby Bear checked, his chair’s all snapped,
His food’s all gone, now someone’s trapped.
Goldilocks panicked, ran real fast,
Didn’t look back, didn’t plan that path.
Moral of the story? Move with class,
Not every door is made to pass.
Goldilocks, Goldilocks, what’s your move?
Walked in quick, didn’t check no rules.
House ain’t yours, but you took that food,
Sat too long, now the game’s on you.
Three big bears, they don’t play nice,
Came back home, now it’s real on sight.
Trespass once? Yeah, you pay that price,
Not every road leads back to light.
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