Drape Salads
indie rock, mariachi, beatbox, experimental, saxophone, nerdy female vocals, tapdancing, burpingLyrics
Oooohhhh, give me a poop -
A bright yellow poop -
And I will give you a cheese cap.
First you will clap,
Then I will clap,
And then we'll all watch the sweet bees nap.
Harold just slipped on a flat trombone.
The Satanic nuns are tickling a clone.
It's Friday morning, and the baby's not home.
I guess we'll go worship the dead!
(Oh, yeah! This song sounds GREAT right now! Okay, here comes the chorus!..)
I'm making a batch of bone and knife cookies.
The oval cop and his partner are rookies;
They look through the mugshots, and laugh at the bookies.
Ba-ba-booooo, ba-ba-booooo, baaaahh!
(Look, I pretty much overdosed on acid when I wrote this... At the time, I saw it as a highly complex and philosophical piece of poetry for the ages... Now that I'm not on that journey anymore, and I'm singing it for all of YOU, well-... ...-I'm just not quite sure about all of that... Hmmm.... Oh, well! Too late to turn back now!.. HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAA-HAAAAaaaaaa!!.. WOOOOOOO!!!)
Hey, James! Hey, Darren! Hey, Sally Kerjidge!
Let's have a party, then jump off a bridge!
If you're baking with frog's dandruff, just use a smidgen.
I'm making a batch of bone and knife cookies.
The oval cop and his partner are rookies;
They look through the mugshots, and laugh at the bookies.
Ba-ba-booooo, ba-ba-booooo, baaaahh!
Aaaahhh, chasing some crazy hens.
I think that burnt rodent is Ben's.
Let's go make some ammends!
I'm tired of today's walking trends!
(HAAA-HAAAAAAAAAA-AAAHHH!!!.. Okay, chorus time! Sing along, my sweet, indifferent cult members!..)
I'm making a batch of bone and knife cookies.
The oval cop and his partner are rookies;
They look through the mugshots, and laugh at the bookies.
Ba-ba-booooo, ba-ba-booooo, baaaahh!
(WOOOOOO-HOOOOOO!!! Well, THAT was a complete waste of time!.. But, we did a damn good job of wasting that time, if I do say so, myself!.. Now, if anyone's too hammered to drive, the bartender with the magenta ponytail and the throbbing chest vagina is selling some fairly decent cocaine. So, make the right decision, folks! Aww, who'm I kiddin'?.. I know you will!... Thank you, one and all, and don't forget to rub one out to your lingering images of me before you go to sleep... I think it means you'll have three straight minutes of good luck, or somethin'... Okay, laters, skaters!)
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Drape Salads
indie rock, mariachi, beatbox, experimental, saxophone, nerdy female vocals, tapdancing, burping