Lonely Reminder
Emotional, sorrow, depressed, CinematicLyrics
Eyes open wide, gawd damn, I'm high!
Shoooooo, weeee, let me get just one more line!
Know we got that POW! Like a comic book sound be.....
Nose so fuckin stuff from bumps,
I feel like I'm drowning.....
Partying for Days got shadow people all around me....
They holler out,
Boi!! Your surrounded, come with us, no way around it.....
I need a ease my mind stay above up where the mountains be.....
Undoubtedly,,,, I'll be out for weeks....
While I put together how many times she's lied to me ,how sweet......
One line, it's like the stress gets pumped out a me....
But when I'm not, I swear my mind has it out for me.....
Been some months,
I hit up cuz,
But left the house one week.....
I prayed I was her father, idk no more I doubt it G.
Either way you know I'd a stayed and been the father I dreamed...
Instead all my dreams got crushed,,,
My heart got ripped out of me.....
Break down this half a g,
Put it all in one line for me.....
Oh, ohhhhhh ,ohhhhhhhh..... One line, now I feel,
Hm, ohh, ohh, ohhhhhh......
On this road....
I've been lost, for a,
long, Time , bro ..
I never had a plan on,
Where, to, go.....
Before ,
I left home.......
Oh home, sweet, home,........
Lotta Thangs been changing , rapidly...
On a daily basis....
Lotta thangs have been crazy, lately...
We're on feeling anxious......
Lips be chapped from days I sat,,
No real hydration.
I stay inside through the winter time ,
Like hibernation.
See these ghost when Ive up sped.
Don't threaten like they strangers....
Instead I get high with em,
Have full blown conversations.
Numb from just a bump, I wish I always felt what I feel....
When I hit a line and feel that high I sigh and chill, relax and give my mind a chill ....
Family thanks I'm insane told me I lost my mind.....
Everytime I see sis, we fight,
Or never say more than hi.....
Used to love playing games with nephew on the PS5....
But boy is growing up , he's hobbies and friends that he likes.
Niece done grew so big, almost like Idk who she is....
Cause I remember taking care of her all the way up , till 6
They always asking bout Lola how she's doing and been.....
And I caint tell em cause idk if she's even my kids........
That hurt me........
Oh, ohhhhhh ,ohhhhhhhh..... One line, now I feel,
Hm, ohh, ohh, ohhhhhh......
On this road....
I've been lost, for a,
long, Time , bro ..
I never had a plan on,
Where, to, go.....
Before ,
I left home........
Won't stop until my heart explodes...
Or I fallout, and overdose..
From my emotions bro......
Wishing I could hold Lola though,
Wish I was more than Amandas Ghost......
Sad, angry I caint control no more...
Feeling as I'm to vulnerable.......
I get high, and block out,
Why I'm lonely though......
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