Notorious Doc
Outlaw CountryLyrics
Doc's in his Vet rolling up north on Interstate 75
His nervous fading Beauty Melissa sitting by his side
And the pistol that he used to pave the way
Down the long black stretches of a dark highway
Doc bought his future with a pound of lead
When he robbed a liquor store and left the clerk for dead
That kid should've put the money in the sack
But he didn't and now there ain't no turning back
He's a legacy outlaw, he's a Jesse James
The best that he could hope for is a household name
There ain't nobody that a man can trust
When all his headlines read 'Notorious'
There ain't nobody that a man can trust
When all his headlines read 'Notorious'
Doc and Melissa pulled out of Ole ludowici 'bout twelve o'clock, heading north to Kentucky they're ready to rock
Took the hot night with the lights off to avoid the shit eaters roadblocks
Doc killed the motor at the county line
Changed his Georgia plates to a 'Greenup Kentucky' sign
Sweet Melissa would never ask what this badass man had done
But she said she'd be his hostage if he needed one
Her mama raised her to be loyal and true
And she figured that's the least that she could do
She was lost and but not lonely on this midnight ride
A hotter Bonnie to his very sexy Clyde
It ain't too easy when the man you love
Has got a reputation that's notorious
It ain't too easy when the man you love
Has got a reputation that's notorious
They were just outside of Ashland when the lights flashed on
And the sirens started howling like hell hound dogs
Doc popped that corvette into overdrive
He swore he'd never let them take his ass alive
He was a legacy outlaw, compared to him Jesse James was a 2 dollar hoe
The best he'd ever hoped for was a household name
The morning papers didn't say too much
But his obituary read, Kiss our outlaw ass, we're 'Notorious'
The caption by his picture didn't say too much
But his obituary read, 'Notorious'
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