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Lil cray shawn version 5

Gangster, trap, hip hop


Ayyy yo
D.J. Blue suit!!!!!
It’s lil H,
lil Herbert, haha
Naw it’s just me dough
Might as well grab the Grammy right now
Yuh heard
Nobody doing it like lil H
Leh go

What’s up lil mama?
What’s up lil cray Shawn?
Haha, it’s ya boi lil Herbert
I’m try’n to get some dat sherbert
Cuz you is so cold
I got my arms wide open
Under this moonlight
But you wont let me in
Might as well get O.G. To throw ya ass in the bin
Ha, naw, I wouldn’t do dat lil cray cray
Leh go

Lil cray Shawn da bomb
Lil cray Shawn my song
Lil cray on my lawn
Widda bong and a thong
She freaky
She deeky
And she so sneaky
When she slurp’n on my pee pee


I’m a pop a collar let that lil thang pop a squat on my lil doo dang
Make lil mama do tricks on it
Like we at the carnival
I’m a carnie
I’m a loonie
man from the boonies
Raised like a rabid rabbit
Try’n to dodge them bullets
Cuz Elmer fud be come’n foe us
Lil H had a hard childhood
Lil H straight sad as hell right now
Like, I’m trying to cope but it’s hard
Shit, Damn O.G. I’m outta here.
The Grammy can wait.
someone call D.J. Blue Suit.
have him pull up with a Gatorade and some nerds rope
I said cut it.
Cut the tape lil bro, ayyy yo!!

Lil cray Shawn da bomb
Lil cray Shawn my song
Lil cray on my lawn
Widda bong and a thong
She freaky
She deeky
And she so sneaky
When she slurp’n on my pee pee

Aight I’m back dog
Lil H ain’t sad no moe
Leh go
She slurping like a fat bitch
She gurgling and burgling my lil stick
I make her suck my gun,
Lil mama so good, might just give her a ride home myself
no Uber!
ayyy haha
She moving like a hippo
Got too many pimples
Did I mention she smell like subway?
That’s okay doe
I still make her give me that bipity bopity sloppity toppity
That’s lil cray Shawn

Now gimmie dat Grammy yo.
I just opened my mouth I deserve one,
Shit, that’s the track right there
Cut it up, lil H outta here
D.J. Blue Suit!!!!!!!!
He did it again

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Lil cray shawn version 5

Gangster, trap, hip hop
