Imaginary Friend
Evil deep emotional rap beatLyrics
I wanna hear it from you mother fucker!
"I died that night bruh, I lost my mind."
"She wouldn't let me love.."
Remember all that shit like it was yesterday.
Cause you was acting strange, but I decided I'd stay anyways.
The shit you told me over months wouldn't leave my brain.
Like how you told me I ain't have a choice in picking Lola's name.
try my best to block it out, felt numb,
Like shots a novacaine.
Plus I relapsed, and just had overdosed the other day.
I started drying out, baby life got me down.
I got way to many what ifs I constantly thank about.
You got me stressing out,
I know that I ain't been around.
Why caint you hear me out like I did with you, nights at the house.
Instead you wanna shout.
Choke me out, and plot upon me now.
What about all them nights that were so special?
Was that just pretend?
Was everything you said about your ex's just some bullshit?
Got to saying I'm worthless, hypocrite, junkie, and stupid.
Till I felt my self collapse, snap you got no clue bitch.
Bought these fuckin rings for nothing!
For a fake, whore, junkie!
Bet you'd still take it, just so you could pawn it for the money.
Why is dummy letting his ole lady come over and fuck me?
While she's pregnant with a baby that she never even wanted?
Not to mention you was cuckin with a camera,
Taking pictures of us.
That's disgustin, both y'all bitches ain't on real shit, that's the fuck shit.
Just know that one day you'll all pay!
And finally get whats coming.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
To wanna be a man,
You sure act like a pussy honey.
All I did was try to love you,
And I love you,
Fuckin stupid bitch.
Sent me pictures of them runnin on you, tryna make me lose it bitch!
But I just laughed, cause it's supposed to be about our kid.
Speaking of,
We're tf is Lola? When you do this shit!
Oh you made it clear she's a hundred percent mine.
By sendin pictures of you getting fucked by three other guys.
So thanks for answering my question,
You leave before letting me find out if Lola's mine.
Thanks for everythang!
I'll always love you to the very end.
I'll always be your ghost, "Boo!"
You'll always be my imaginary friend.
Sad like everyday the fact that all of you is fake.
No DNA, the only thang,I always dreamed of ripped away.
You really changed my life after all.(2x)
I bet you get so fuckin pissed when you hear me on this talkin shit.
Whoops I meant twistin shit,
See baby I ain't forget.
Amazes me cause you was bitch,
Everything you thought or brought up bitch.
See I'm tired of letting all the thangs you'd say to me just slide.
Let your lies eat me alive,
Idk why, honest to God.
All them nights I'd think of Lola,
Then just stay awake and cry.
To the point I tried to die, suicide!
Like several times.
I opened up you fuckin slut and told you I was getting high.
I trusted you, to my surprise,
You called and set us up with five.
Imaginary friend.(2x)
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