My Fear
Heavy metal hip hopLyrics
Just Move 2 Rise
Yeah yeah
Aye yo yo yo bro ski
My fear is from anxiety
I can't help that
but if you come at me bet I don't step back
you better accept the fact
you fucking wit a Maniac
so just sit back relax
an shUT your trap
before your jaw gets cracked
I'll put you in your feelings thinking you could have took me
next to me you just rookie
looking like a fucking pussy
but you just a punk ass wannabe bully
I tried to tell you I'm no chump
its gonna take you and at least three of your boys to jump me g
you just out gunned against me
I fight this shit back everyday
now you on the run
but i thought you wanted some
oh I bet you feeling dumb
beating your ass is gonna be fun
let me count the number of times you've been better than me
minus one
My fear is from anxiety
I can't help that
but if you come at me bet I don't step back
you better except the fact
you fucking wit a Maniac
so just sit back relax
an shUT your trap
before your jaw gets cracked
I'll put you in your feelings thinking you could have took me
next to me you just rookie
looking like a fucking pussy
but you just a punk ass wannabe bully
you ain't Fooling Nobody
keep Fucking around you going to be Obsolete
put your Bitch Ass to Sleep
Your so Weak dont even Speak to me
just Follow me if you wish to Proceed
Fuck the Police
well keep it Discreet
You Fucking Deadbeat
does it make you feel like a man to put your hands on yo girl
come here an take a stand
YA BOY I held this Shit in to Long an I'm bout to Release
it'll be such a Relief
and it's going to be Real Easy
just open your Mouth one More Mother FUcking time and set the Beast Free
an your ass gonna get Beat
I'm gonna put it on Repeat
My fear is from anxiety
I can't help that
but if you come at me bet I don't step back
you better accept the fact
you fucking wit a Maniac
so just sit back relax
an shUT your trap
before your jaw gets cracked
I'll put you in your feelings thinking you could have took me
next to me you just rookie
looking like a fucking pussy
but you just a punk ass wannabe bully
how have you become
such scum
I bet you mom wished she never made you daddy cum
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