Snow Day
Its snow day at the sandpit.
A day we will never forget
A snow day at the sandpit
Rods taping off everything so you don’t slip
Rocky wants the plant running but the crew called out.
Tippy is at home building a snowman, using a beer can as his mouth.
Richard on a sled, Matts off drinking something warm
and Luke still hasn’t got out the bed.
It’s a snow day at the sandpit enough said.
Its snow day at the sandpit.
A day we will never forget
A snow day at the sandpit
Rods taping off everything so you don’t slip
Alexis pulled up on horseback that black ice wont stop him.
Snow cap on his head and muffs on his ears
Immigration and customs enforcement is the only ice he fears.
Its snow day at the sandpit.
A day we will never forget
A snow day at the sandpit
Rods taping off everything so you don’t slip
Tyler showed up but without Luke nothing got done.
Barry’s fussing because when he got the work, Blake didn’t have his coffee done.
Phil and Rocky’s calling corporate telling them the plant wont run
It’s a snow day at the sandpit, lets have some fun.
Its snow day at the sandpit.
A day we will never forget
A snow day at the sandpit
Rods taping off everything so you don’t slip
They said you got to burn vacation to enjoy this wonderful day
But we get plenty of sick days so we don’t care what they say.
Snow keeps falling and the day grows cold
Playing in the snow with friends and family never gets olds
Its snow day at the sandpit.
A day we will never forget
A snow day at the sandpit
Rods taping off everything so you don’t slip
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