Oh lord I know you gave me an outlook that I have to pursue harder. Gave me a book of knowledge to analyze for wisdom and go further. I don’t know why the world turned its back, oh lord, but by seeing the statistics we see you made the sheep come back. The church, the non believers, see it full of hypocrites, I can’t lie and say so myself I didn’t see it the same pitifully. But now I know lord if so let everyone know, we have to pray for them to astray back. Lord I know in your presence my darkest places has lessened I’m thankful for that, your the light that I have to fight with my tongue as weapons not an uzi but I don’t want to use it to spread lies or confusion, loose lips full of deceit and lies rust them up if you don’t know the truth then shut them up. Lord I want Spread your truth, your love,your peace, your words the meaning of your knowledge with everyone, with no vanquish at your banquet worries conquered at a sum. demons deflected love is blessed In the world far up above. The higher powers trembles when we aren’t stuck in shambles, crumbling at footnotes that they have rambled saying that the 401k is what you need to handle. Non existent keep your faith alive, don’t believe in make pretend like the pagans lied, do away with Baal and Greek mystics who they called their gods. mythology was evidence for them but not alive. the son of man Jesus you are the living king as Simon Peter said it best “thou art the Christ, son of the living god.” The father up above looks down upon from the skies. Even with your intentions full of sin and vengeance,the father wants you back and well alive. Praise the lord not only once or twice but all time. I hope these messages reach you far and wide. His kingdom is at hand don’t place your faith in misconceptions, use the gospel as your weapons don’t misconstrue his true intentions and message. I pray for you and I if not seeing eye to eye here and now that we’ll see them meeting in eternity.
I pray for everyone,
I bow my head and raise my hands,
Dear lord,
Give us the strength and wisdom to walk into your kingdom, everyone with fair little faith let them seek your light as it shines far above and wide. Don’t let them fall into the pit of the ones who didn’t believe. Lift their spirits high so they can seek your love and grace. Lord thank you for everything you have done. I love you and thank you for my second chance.
In your name I pray these words
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