Bestie 2
pop, , soft rock, love songLyrics
đ” Hey there bestie đ”
Hey hey there I know you got alot going on in your world, it sometimes feels like life can be so cold
But I wanted to say that I see all of your pain, and scars and still see you as beautiful.
No matter the day or night I will always stay by your side, I love it when we take those nightime drives.
So listen to me.
Hey there bestie I want you to know that you mean the world to me
Hey there bestie I know it might sound crazy but you have turned my chaotic world upside down, turned my frown into a smile
Hey there bestie thank you for always being there for me.
So let me share how much you really mean to me.
Your were like the stars in the night sky, me wishing for someone i can be real with.
Someone who I could cry on, someone who will catch me if I fall.
And then by Gods hand I was blessed with you, someone who makes me feel safe and secured.
Someone who I can rely on.
Hey there bestie Its almost been a year, I know it might sound silly.
I feel like Ive known you for a couple years now.
Hey there bestie remember when we went hiking, and you just kept on smilingâŠ. Such a beautiful smile.
So hey there bestie let me tell you just how much you mean to me.
You were like a warm sunset warming up my ice cold heart that I locked away, Cause I was afraid nobody would stay.
Hey hey there bestie I know you got monsters in your head, but they wont make me run me away.
Hey there bestie have I told you how happy you make me, knowing your in my life.
Hey there bestie I know it might sound crazy but you helped me rediscover myself.
Hey hey there bestie I want you to know just how much you mean to me
You were like a crashing wave, an ocean that sparkles beautifully much like the stars in your eyes.
Hey hey there bestie I know you have your scars.
Scars from the past hurts, scars from past friendships.
But your scars are beautiful, and I will never ever leave you.
Hey hey there bestie your so amazing, im so proud of how far you have come
Hey hey there bestie im so damn proud to call you my friend.
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