Counting Inventory
Goofy jazzyLyrics
Counting inventory in each branch,
It's a game of numbers, we’ll take a chance,
With the clipboard in hand, we put up a fight.
We’ll get it all counted, we’ll get it right.
One, two, three, four,
Nipples, nineties, and bushings galore.
So many sizes, so many lengths,
Rolls of copper tubing, different parts for propane tanks.
Boxes of regulators stacked to the ceiling,
So many relief valves, It’s unappealing!
A whole pile of random fittings all stuffed in a pail,
Digging through, aw shit, I broke a nail
One, two, three, four,
we count from the roof to the floor.
Five, six, seven, eight,
Getting it done and staying late
To get the job done, we work and laugh,
Counting inventory as we clear the path
Vaporizer parts and thermostats,
Boxes of junk, what the heck is that?! “Reggie, can you help us out?”
Scribbling on the clipboard, tallies on the paper,
as we work through the hoard, what’s this? We’ll get it later!!!
"Is this on the list?" I look through and stare,
How many more fittings laying everywhere?
I found another bag of nipples stuffed in the back
schedule forty, schedule eighty, now what is that?! “Oh Reggiiiee….!”
One, two, three, four,
we count from the roof to the floor.
Five, six, seven, eight,
Getting it done and staying late
To get the job done, we work and laugh,
Counting inventory as we clear the path
Oh, take a deep breath, so far we've come,
With Dandy on the job, we’ll get it done.
With one last push, we finish the check,
and get the inventory all done and correct
One, two, three, four,
we count from the roof to the floor.
Five, six, seven, eight,
Getting it done and staying late
To get the job done, we work and laugh,
Counting inventory as we clear the path
Counting inventory, we’ve reached the last line,
Didn’t take too long, we got it done in time.
Marks of success, now we can send it away.
To be logged in the system, as it was due today.
We conquered the challenge, we finished the game.
Counting inventory for Sarjeant propane.
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