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Always Lose

R&B, piano, slow


In the silence of the night,
Where dreams take flight,
We ask ourselves, why?

We give our all, we play the game,
But the scoreboard always feels the same,
With hopes so high, we're destined to fall,
Dodging shadows that whisper our call.
Every step forward, two steps back,
Chasing the light, but it fades to black.
Through the struggle, we find our grace,
Yet somehow, we’re always out of place.

Why we always lose?
A dance with fate, a bitter bruise.
With every spark, the fire fades,
In the chaos, our dreams evade.
Why we always lose?
When the heart breaks, what do we choose?
In the battle, we wear our scars,
Still searching for those fading stars.

Promises made, like whispers in the dark,
Trying to ignite that once vivid spark.
Look in the mirror, what do we see?
These ghosts of victories that used to be.
With every risk, we’re drawing lines,
Playing the odds as the clock unwinds.
But we rise up, don’t let it end,
In this struggle, we find a friend.

Why we always lose?
A dance with fate, a bitter bruise.
With every spark, the fire fades,
In the chaos, our dreams evade.
Why we always lose?
When the heart breaks, what do we choose?
In the battle, we wear our scars,
Still searching for those fading stars.

Maybe it’s the monsters in our mind,
Or chasing shadows that we can’t find.
Turning pages, feeling so confused,
But through the storm, we are not bruised.
We’ll stand tall, face the rain,
Because with every loss, we learn from pain.
So let’s rise up, we’ll break the chains,
Together we’ll dance through the pouring rains.

Why we always lose?
A dance with fate, a bitter bruise.
With every spark, the fire fades,
In the chaos, our dreams evade.
Why we always lose?
When the heart breaks, what do we choose?

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Always Lose

R&B, piano, slow
