I think of myself as a rockstar investor.
Not just any investor; I’m Pizdets the Pumper,
And my heart beats to the rhythm of HMR.
I invest in a company that’s all about changing the world.
“Hey, we’re saving the planet while making you rich!” I’m all in for that ride.
Classic, right? But hey, I didn’t sell at the top. I’m a believer!
A true rock ‘n’ roller doesn’t abandon the stage, when the encore is still to come.
I think of myself as a rockstar investor.
Not just any investor; I’m Pizdets the Pumper,
And my heart beats to the rhythm of HMR.
Now, let’s talk about my buddy Oyo. Poor guy needs meds.
I mean, he’s out there throwing shade on the boards.
“Pizdets, why don’t you sell?” he asks, as if I’m some kind of investment traitor.
Oyo, I’m not here to play a game of Monopoly! I’m committed.
Guitar in one hand, stock certificates in the other.
I’m ready to shred through the next ride.
I think of myself as a rockstar investor.
Not just any investor; I’m Pizdets the Pumper,
And my heart beats to the rhythm of HMR.
I’m on CEO dot CA, the sacred temple of investment wisdom,
I defend my beloved Homerun like it’s the last band on Earth.
It’s like a rock concert with no screaming fans, just a bunch of guys typing about market trends.
“Free speech!” I shout, until you post something that doesn’t fit my narrative.
Then it’s like, “Sorry, fudster, I’ll get you banned!”
I’m not trying to start a riot, I’m here to jam!
I think of myself as a rockstar investor.
Not just any investor; I’m Pizdets the Pumper,
And my heart beats to the rhythm of HMR.
I’ve got my get-out-of-jail-free card from Poppa.
Poppa, the almighty gatekeeper who reads minds.
“You can say whatever you want, Pizdets,” he says, “and if you get banned, I’ll let you out
before serving your time.”
It’s like being in a rock band where the lead singer gets to break all the rules because he knows
the owner of the venue.
So here I am, a rocker and a pumper, strumming my way through the trends,
Waiting for Homerun to hit that sweet note again.
And if it doesn’t? Well, at least I can still rock out in the comments section.
I think of myself as a rockstar investor.
Not just any investor; I’m Pizdets the Pumper,
And my heart beats to the rhythm of HMR.
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