The God Of Thunder
Norse Mythology Musical, Confident Tone Heroic/Badass Vibe, Raspy/Deep Voice, Scottish Accent, Proud MoodLyrics
[Verse 1]
I was born in the storm, under lightning’s gaze,
A son of Asgard, forged in fire and blaze.
With Mjolnir in hand, I rise, I stand,
To defend the realms, I am the thunder’s command.
The skies, they crackle with my name,
In every battle, I burn like a flame.
No foe too great, no force too wild,
For I am Thor, Asgard’s child.
When the heavens roar and the storms align,
It’s a call to war, a power divine.
I am the lightning that splits the sky,
The hammer that falls, the battle cry.
I am the god of thunder, hear me roar,
The storm in my veins, the fire at my core.
Through wind and rain, I’ll stand and fight,
A beacon of power, a force of light.
I am Thor, with Mjolnir I fly,
The hammer that cracks the heavens high.
With every strike, I make my stand,
Protector of all, with lightning in hand.
[Verse 2]
Giants tremble at the sound of my name,
For I’ve sent them all to the halls of shame.
I guard Midgard with fury and grace,
Against the dark, I take my place.
Ragnarok may come, the end of days,
But I’ll stand firm in the storm’s embrace.
Through frost and fire, I’ll never fall,
For I am Thor, and I’ll answer the call.
When the tempest howls and the skies ignite,
I’ll raise my hammer and charge into the fight.
For I was born to wield the storm,
And in my wrath, the world is reborn.
I am the god of thunder, hear me roar,
The storm in my veins, the fire at my core.
Through wind and rain, I’ll stand and fight,
A beacon of power, a force of light.
I am Thor, with Mjolnir I fly,
The hammer that cracks the heavens high.
With every strike, I make my stand,
Protector of all, with lightning in hand.
Odin’s son, defender of all,
I’ll face the end when the shadows fall.
But until that day, the storm is mine,
A force eternal, fierce, divine.
No chain can hold, no spell can bind,
The might of thunder, wild and untamed.
In the storm’s embrace, I am reborn,
And in my heart, the lightning’s sworn.
I am the god of thunder, hear me roar,
The storm in my veins, the fire at my core.
Through wind and rain, I’ll stand and fight,
A beacon of power, a force of light.
I am Thor, with Mjolnir I fly,
The hammer that cracks the heavens high.
With every strike, I make my stand,
Protector of all, with lightning in hand.
So let the thunder roll and the tempest rise,
For I am Thor, and the storm’s my prize.
With every blow, I seal my name,
The god of thunder, untamed, unchained.
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The God Of Thunder
Norse Mythology Musical, Confident Tone Heroic/Badass Vibe, Raspy/Deep Voice, Scottish Accent, Proud Mood