Tragedies Misery
Alternative Rock, Rogressive RockLyrics
Once the motions of your life
Leave you in a ditch
Freezing cold in a pool of blood
The savior might be confused for
And rotten to the core
Bedridden and lost
While the host is boss
Waiting for the wounds to heal
Not at the wheel
Misery love tragedy
Pills tell me what I feel
High and lost out the window
Might have life of sin
Friends have given up
Texts and calls start ringing up
Weather or not I slit your throat
Smiles with a gleam in the eye
Now your alive and keep
Always in Jesus Christ we wear
A cross apon my chest
Pills, pills, extended release
Seems to be the title
Of my life
Compliments of swear words
As the anger drives me insane
Apologetic and humble love
The chase has begun
Broken trails left a path
And down the hill we fall
One more step to only reveal
The death that ly below the road
The lies that build up
I can't stay here, I want
To leave, I can't stay here,
I want to go, I want to go
She made me so happy,
She made me forget all my problems
Over and over again
The sincere commitment is
What you find out at the end
Anger is the fiction and strength
I better stay away and you stay here
I die, you die, I die, u die
Pain is part of misery
Pain is alive, pleasure
Is a door know away
Keep the baby in the bed
This time I've thought clearly
Show me the way, burn the paper
No time for regrets
The smell of flammable gas
Burns the memory at last
No one to take me home
Stuck here in this hell
The work will be done
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