I'm supa dupa fly
[*70bpm, e flat key, teddy penigrass vibe, female, energetic,club, distorted, bass drum kick,psych-r&b*]Lyrics
Me I'm supa fly [uh-huh]
Supa dupa fly [uh-huh]
Supa dupa fly
{singing} I can't stand the rain!
[uh] Me I'm supa fly [uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window
Supa dupa fly [uh-huh]
Supa dupa fly
{singing} I can't stand the rain!
[uh] Me I'm supa fly [uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window
Supa dupa fly [uh-huh]
Supa dupa fly
{singing} I can't stand the rain!
[uh-huh] Me I'm supa fly [uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window
When the rain hits my window
I take and {inhale, cough} me some in do
Me and Timbaland, ooh, we sang a jangle
We so tight, that you get our styles Tango
Sway on dosie-do like you loco
{singing} Can we get freaky tonight?
Like CoCo, so-so
You don't want to play with my Yo-Yo
I smoke my hy dro on the dee-low
{singing} I can't stand the rain! [uh-huh, uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window [against my window]
{singing} I can't stand the rain! [uh-huh, uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window [against my window]
{singing} I can't stand the rain! [uh-huh, uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window [against my window]
{singing} I can't stand the rain! [uh-huh, uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window [say what?]
Beep beep, who got the keys to the Jeep? Vrrrrrrooooom!
[uh-huh] I'm drivin to the beach
Top down, loud sounds, see my peeps [uhh]
Give them pound, now look who it be [who it be]
It be me me me and Timothy [me me!]
Look like it's bout to rain, what a shame [uh-huh]
I got the Armor-All to shine up the stain
Oh Missy, try to maintain
{singing} I can't stand the rain! [uh-huh, uh-huh]
{singing} I can't stand the rain! [say what? uh-huh, uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window [uh-huh]
{singing} I can't stand the rain! [uh-huh, uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window [yeah]
{singing} I can't stand the rain! [uh-huh, uh-huh]
{singing} 'gainst my window [uh-huh]
{singing} I can't stand the rain!
I feel the wind
Five six seven, eight nine ten
Begin, I sit on Hill's like Lauryn
Until the rain starts, comin down, pourin
Chill, I got my umbrella
My finger waves be dazed, they fall like Humpty
Chumpy, I break up with him before he dump me
To have me? ya u lucky
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I'm supa dupa fly
[*70bpm, e flat key, teddy penigrass vibe, female, energetic,club, distorted, bass drum kick,psych-r&b*]