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All Night

pop futuristic r&b trap crossover melodic strings layered female vocals melodic echoes club 808's autotune rock


(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)
(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)

Yeah, the moon is high, and the night is young,
I’ve been sipping, lost in thoughts, yeah, I’ve been spun.
But now I feel a pull, a voice inside my head,
It’s time to face the truth, can't hide from what’s ahead.
Show up to the bar, lost in my vice,
Laughter fills the air, but it ain't feeling nice.
Friends around me smile, but they can’t feel the vibes,
In my heavy heart, there’s a shadow in the light.
Preacher on the jukebox sings a soulful refrain,
Every sip, every shot, yeah, it's blurring the pain.
But deep down I know, there's a path I must take,
Gotta shake off these chains before it’s too late.

Now I’ve been drinking, so I think it’s time to do what’s right,
Gotta stand up tall, let go of the fall, face the morning light.
No more running away, gotta find my way,
But in the meantime Tonight we party all night.

Stumble through the door, feel the chill on my skin,
Mind racing like a storm, and I feel it within.
Memories rise like ghosts, haunting in the haze,
But the whiskey won’t drown out my own desperate ways.
Look in the mirror, see who I’ve become,
Wasted years of waiting, time to come undone.
The bottle’s not my friend; it's a thief in sight ,
But I’m ready for the change; sike I’m party all night .

Now I’ve been drinking all night, so I think it’s time to do what’s right,
Gotta stand up tall, let go of the fall, face the morning light.
No more running away, gotta find my way, .
But in the meantime Tonight we party all night.

So raise your glass, here’s to the brave,
To the ones who dare to change, hearts they save.
I’ll cast aside the shadows, say goodbye to the fear,
With every step forward, I'll hold my spirit near.

Yeah, I’m done with the darkness, I’m reaching for the dawn,
Gonna write my own story, I’m ready

Now I’ve been drinking all night, so I think it’s time to do what’s right,
Gotta stand up tall, let go of the fall, face the morning light.
No more running away, gotta find my way, .
But in the meantime Tonight we party all night.

(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)
(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)

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Hauptmerkmale unserer KI-Songs-Bibliothek:

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All Night

pop futuristic r&b trap crossover melodic strings layered female vocals melodic echoes club 808's autotune rock
