Save Myself
Female vocals, clarity, goth, metal, emo, screamoLyrics
So much pain,(all the pain)
I’ve held inside, (ah la la la)
Barely, hanging on, (by a thread)
I don’t feel alive. (I die inside)
When , I close my eyes.
Reliving the, What ifs, (why nots)
Regrets, and might’ve beens.
How do I save myself from this?
Save myself (Save myself)
Verse 1:
It’s like walking alone in the dark,
On a road with no lights. (Ah la la ahh)
Blinded from what’s ahead.
No absolute destination in sight. (Ah ah oh oh)
Hitting every bump in the road.
I stumble and then I fall , (fall)
Beaten and bruised by the abuse.
Reaching for the dark as I crawl. ( crawl)
No one is there to reach for my hand.
Realizing that it’s all in my mind.
No contact from another.
Relying on myself to save me this time.
As I struggle with my mind,
My past haunts me so much.
The loneliness feels like home.
Grasping reality has lost its touch.
I lost the light inside of me, (losing myself)
Shouldn’t rely on someone else,
Waging wars with inner demons. (It’s a war!)
In the end, I save myself. (Save myself!)
Verse 2:
Everyone thinks that can save me. (Can’t)
They will never understand in the end.
Just for a day inside my mind. (Hear me)
No one ever stayed long enough to comprehend.
The darkness consumes my heart. (It’s empty)
A bad habit to push those who love me away.
No, I’m no good for love, just leave me. (Leave)
Poster child of, “It’s okay to not be okay!”
As I struggle with my mind,
My past haunts me so much.
The loneliness feels like home.
Grasping reality has lost its touch.
I lost the light inside of me, (losing myself)
Shouldn’t rely on someone else,
Waging wars with inner demons. (It’s a war!)
In the end, I save myself. (Save myself!)
I don’t expect anyone to love me. ( oh yeah)
Damaged from the ones I left behind.
In the end, everyone leaves me. (Leaves me)
Alone to fight the war inside my mind.
No one reached for my hand in the dark.
I can’t rely on someone else.
For all those who tried to fix me,
It’s up to me to save myself.
(Save myself!)
Reached out my hand into the dark,
Stopped expecting from someone else.
Found out, that I’m the one to fix me.
In the end, I saved myself!
I saved myself!
(Saved myself)
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