Storm and Flames
Music Style: 1. Genre: Cinematic Orchestral Ballad. 2. Instrumentation: Strings (Violins, Cellos): For dramatic tension and emotional depth. Choir or Vocal Pads: To give the song a legenLyrics
Storms and Flames
(A cinematic ballad sung by a narrator, capturing the clash between Marie and Rachel.)
[Intro] (Narrator)
Once allies strong, their bond divine,
Now torn apart by fate and time.
A storm unleashed, a fire untamed,
Two forces clash, their fate proclaimed.
[Verse 1] (Narrator)
Rachel, the storm, her power so vast,
A shadow cast from her painful past.
Marie, the flame, with courage to fight,
A beacon burning through endless night.
The skies erupt, their fury unfolds,
A tale of battle the cosmos holds.
No room for mercy, no turning away,
In storms and flames, their legacies stay.
[Chorus] (Narrator)
Storms and flames, a deadly dance,
A clash of might, a final chance.
The bond they had now torn in two,
A fight to see whose strength is true.
[Verse 2] (Narrator)
Rachel’s power, electric and wild,
A force of chaos, a tempest’s child.
Marie stands firm, her fire alive,
Through ash and embers, she’ll survive.
The earth trembles, the heavens cry,
As storms collide with flames that fly.
A friendship lost, now burned and torn,
The battle rages till light is born.
[Chorus] (Narrator)
Storms and flames, a deadly dance,
A clash of might, a final chance.
The bond they had now torn in two,
A fight to see whose strength is true.
[Bridge] (Narrator)
They once fought together, side by side,
Now their paths diverge, their fates collide.
In every spark, in every flame,
Their story echoes, a timeless name.
The storm rages on, the fire roars,
A clash that shakes the heavens’ doors.
One will fall, the other will rise,
Their battle painted across the skies.
[Chorus] (Narrator)
Storms and flames, a deadly dance,
A clash of might, a final chance.
The bond they had now torn in two,
A fight to see whose strength is true.
[Outro] (Narrator)
Two forces meet, their power untamed,
The storm and flame, their fate proclaimed.
Rachel and Marie, their legends stay,
In storms and flames, they’ll never fade away.
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Storm and Flames
Music Style: 1. Genre: Cinematic Orchestral Ballad. 2. Instrumentation: Strings (Violins, Cellos): For dramatic tension and emotional depth. Choir or Vocal Pads: To give the song a legen