Sesame Streets
hip-hop, boom-bap, kick drum, snare drum, hand clap, foot stompLyrics
back again, it’s the big, bad, controversial goof!
“that voice ain’t real!”
Hell yeah, i hide inside the digital until it’s time to POOF,
Big Dawg, go WOOF WOOF,
all my releases,
all my homies standing with each other, Trust,
We good?!
we ain’t good…
someone owe me cash…
but I can’t figure out who,
in a hospital bed, damn what do I do,
mother trucker, make the whole floor groove,
with a BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!
and a,
and a,
and a,
mediocre princess wand, lookin like a mild season’s fresh ripened banana,
they thought I’d run out of mana,
tell the muh fugga, I can’t stand a,
type of,
pea brained mini mind, tellin me how I gotta write my rhymes,
how I gotta deliver and how I gotta vibe!?
damn daddy!
I didn’t know you were playin’ God tonight!
alright, alright,
gimme a Mike,
I can’t breathe but fudge me if I don’t try,
Blessed to avoid the afterlife,
I’ve died so many times…
lived 23 lives,
or more,
I lost count by the 9th…
Just a Big Bird chillin’ heatin’ up these Sesame Streets,
Bert and Ernie gettin’ targeted for the love that’s just existing,
I told Oscar, close your lid and stop Bitching!
Elmo on the corner, big blunt, it’s bewitching,
He, passed it to Grover, said, ayo, you look blue, inhale the clover,
Cookie on the rooftops, lookin’ for a traffic cop,
he got a 50 Cal, one shot, misses piggie dyin’ from a blood clot,
Kermit in the ambulance, he processin’ the plot,
contemplating all the ways he’s about to spin a puppet’s block,
this ain’t real rap,
it’s that,
Sesame Street, Muppet crossover Bop.
I said on Sesame Street, hear a muppet go,
Brooms, sticks, bananas, mops…
Brooms, sticks, bananas, mops…
Brooms, sticks, bananas, mops…
Brooms, sticks, bananas, mops…
Brooms, sticks, bananas, mops…
Brooms, sticks, bananas, mops…
Brooms, sticks, bananas, mops…
Brooms, sticks, bananas, mops…
Brooms, sticks, bananas, mops…
oooo sesame squad,
sesame squad,
sesame squad!
couldn’t censor me, dawg!
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