No Power(test3)
Praise, Contemporary, Worship, Christian, Full Song, AnthemLyrics
[Start off slow mid voice] I see your brokeness, I see the shattered soul inside.
So, [bass baritone] come, come sit at my feet, [slight tempo pick up] for my arm are always open.
[Chorus 1: up maybe a half step in voice tone] So Wipe away my tears!!!! wipe away my scars!!!! make me whole again, So I dont have to fear no more.
[Bass 1 notes] don't fear, don't cry, for i'm not far away
[mix harmonized bass 1, and 2] Just run, Just run, Just run, Just run into my arms [X2]
[back to mid voice] I will hold you close, i will hold you close, and wipe away every tear, for you were made to be mine.
[Chorus 2: Same tone as Chorus 1]
So Wipe away my pain!!! Wipe away my trauma, wipe away my sickness, for when im with you theres No Power greater than yours!!!!
The grave's got no power!!!! Sickness has No Power!!!
Wipe away my Tears!!!! Wipe away my Pain.
[Short ending of Chorus 2]
I sit here at your feet, crying up to you, Oh Lord for healing, for your safety,
[Chorus picks back up] You Raised me from the Dead, saved me from the cliffs of [Fortissimo] death!!!!!!
Anxiety Has No Power!!!!
Cancer has No Power!!!!
Suicide has No Power!!!
for you are my Conqurer, Savior, redeemer, creator, Loving Father.
[End of Chorus 2]
[Bass 1, 2 harmonize] Just Run, Just Run, Just Run, Just Run into my arms. [X3 on third crescendo and hold 3 1/2 sec.]
[Soft and loving] Your not a mistake, not a burden, not a waste of space, your a masterpiece in my eyes.
[Chorus 3]
Satans got No power!!!! Sickness has No Power!!!!
Wipe Away my tears, wipe away my pain, wipe away my sorrows, wipe it all away with your healing blood.
I'm!!!!!!!! A!!!!!!!!!! Slave NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I!!!!!!!! Am!!!!!!!! Free!!!!!!!!!
Graves got no power!!!!
Death has no power!!!!
Sickness, darkness, fears got no power!!!!
Cancer, Anxiety it's got no power!!!!!
Worry, pain, and sorry, NOTHING has more power than you!!!!
We praise you, Savior, Messiah, Conqurer, Peace keeper.
Your Greater than [fortissimo] ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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