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Metal rap


(Soft acoustic guitar strumming)
Oh, the world spins on, while we chase the dawn,
Through the winding roads, we’re never alone.

Underneath the stars, with dreams in our eyes,
We wander through the night, beneath the endless skies.
Whispers in the wind, tales of love and fate,
Every step we take, we’re never too late.

So here we stand, hand in hand,
Facing the horizon, where our hearts expand.
With every heartbeat, we’ll rise and soar,
In this journey of life, we’ll always want more.

Moments like the ocean, waves crashing in,
Laughing till we cry, through the thick and the thin.
Time may try to fade, but our spirits remain,
Through the highs and lows, we’ll dance in the rain.

So here we stand, hand in hand,
Facing the horizon, where our hearts expand.
With every heartbeat, we’ll rise and soar,
In this journey of life, we’ll always want more.

Let the world keep turning, let the stars align,
In the tapestry of time, your heart is entwined.
Through the storms we weather, we’ll find our way,
Every moment cherished, as night turns to day.

We’re painting the skies with colors of hope,
Every shadow we face, we learn how to cope.
With laughter like music, we’ll sing through the night,
Together we’ll shine, like the moon’s gentle light.

So here we stand, hand in hand,
Facing the horizon, where our hearts expand.
With every heartbeat, we’ll rise and soar,
In this journey of life, we’ll always want more.

Oh, the world spins on, while we chase the dawn,
With love as our compass, we will carry on.
In the warmth of your smile, my heart finds its home,
Together forever, we'll never be alone.

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Metal rap
