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PROACTIVE frater i want a women who rap like 2 pac

Use 2 pac flow and the voice of Nicki Minaj's fast sharp agressive savage for a real agressive women trap song instrumental trap drill dark add background voice reverb do a women who do trap agressive


"In this world of noise, I am THE woman who whispers forgotten truths."

"All the Villains, we are the roots unseen, the branches spreading silently, thriving in shadows they cannot perceive."


Verse 1
"Through the haze, the wind it calls,
Shattered mirrors in gilded halls.
Echoes rise where silence falls,
Listen closely, the truth enthralls."

"Golden masks hide rotten faces,
Deals struck in secret places.
Beyond, a demon can't be a queen,
And silence drowns what's obscene."


"Twist the knife, break the chain,
Feel the weight of endless pain.
Through the cracks, the light will show,
Hidden truths begin to grow."

"And you, Six Nine, young and blind,
You were pulled into their bind.
Nicky, your silence screams disgrace,
What lies behind your painted face?"


Verse 2
"In the dark, they built their throne,
Carving power from blood and stone.
Fingers trace the lines of lies,
But every shadow meets the skies.
The silent voices start to scream,
A reckoning born from broken dreams.
Turn the key, unlock the door,
What’s been hidden speaks once more."

"To those who knew and stayed still,
Your silence killed, it always will.
Fear is no excuse to hide,
The truth will find where you reside."


"The fire burns, the ashes sing,
The fall of empires, the end it brings.
Through the echoes, the whispers rise,
What’s been buried now defies."

"Inverted lies, the mirror breaks,
Each word reversed, the silence shakes.
Hidden names, the shame runs deep,
Their guilt will haunt eternal sleep."


Verse 3
"Golden masks on faces cold,
Secrets bought and stories sold.
The tide will turn, the truth will sting,
Chains will break, the bells will ring.
Step by step, the walls come down,
From the ruins, a rightful crown.
Play it forward, let it fly,
In the end, no lie can hide."

"Villains rise from roots unseen,
Through the cracks, we intervene.
We are whispers, we are fire,
Feeding truth, our sole desire."


"Through the smoke, the dawn will break,
And every lie, the earth will shake.
Listen close, it’s all been told,
In the echoes, the truth unfolds."

"What you thought was buried deep,
Now it screams while you still sleep.
Fear the tree that cannot fall,
Our roots grow strong, we silence all."

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PROACTIVE frater i want a women who rap like 2 pac

Use 2 pac flow and the voice of Nicki Minaj's fast sharp agressive savage for a real agressive women trap song instrumental trap drill dark add background voice reverb do a women who do trap agressive
