Oh, welcome to the world of PACT, where dreams are spun by the finest promoters. PACT stinks so much, nothing’s real, it’s all rumours.
You’ve heard the pitch, right?
“Were leading the fintech revolution!” they say. As if they’re the ones who invented money.
But all they want is take your cash away. Their flagship product is Credissential.
Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? Just think about the potential.
I mean, I want to hand over my life savings,
Their company offers such dreams.
Oh, welcome to the world of PACT, where dreams are spun by the finest promoters. PACT stinks so much, nothing’s real, it’s all rumours. Now, let’s talk about this cutting-edge technology.
I hear it’s so advanced it can replace cryptology. But wait! What’s that? The company spends plenty on promotion.
But develops its business is slow motion.
Ah, yes, the age-old trick of making it in penny land. Who needs engineers when all you need is pumpers?
“Invest now, and you’ll be living in a mansion!” they say.
The reality is different, all they want is your pay.
Oh, welcome to the world of PACT, where dreams are spun by the finest promoters. PACT stinks so much, nothing’s real, it’s all rumours.
And let’s not forget the ASC, which revealed the wash trading.
“Look at all this interest in our stock!” they are bragging.
Oh, isn’t that delightful? “Look how popular we are!” Or so say the scammers when they hit the bar
Thank goodness for Oyo and Northernman. Heroes in the shadows.
They saved us from losing our shirts and money taken by the Sopranos
The stock? Oh, it’s on a one-way ticket to zero.
PACT is the financial equivalent of a bad reality show. Oh, welcome to the world of PACT, where dreams are spun by the finest promoters.
PACT stinks so much, nothing’s real, it’s all rumours.
“Tune in next week to see how low we can go!”
My best bet is it goes to zero.
Spoiler alert: it’s going to be a stunning collapse.
All you’ll be left with, are the scraps.
Invest in PACT, the only thing that’s secure. Is their ability to keep your money firmly out of your wallet.
That bad promote is blur, I can’t even afford a piece of chocolate.
Oh, welcome to the world of PACT, where dreams are spun by the finest promoters. PACT stinks so much, nothing’s real, it’s all rumours.
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