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Dumbass in the Throne Room

Raw Dirty South Outlaw Country rock with deep voiced male singer


**Title: Dumbass in the Throne Room**

*(Verse 1)*
Yo, it’s Vladimir, the hog-fucker from the North,
Strutting like a peacock, but man, I’m a dork.
Embarrassed myself, tried to throw shade at the best,
But I’m just a little pup, put my ego to rest!

Talkin’ smack with lions, thought I’d rule the land,
But I’m just a chihuahua, barking out of hand,
Trump and JD, the kings of the scene,
While I’m here in my diaper, playing the fool routine.

I’m a dumbass in the throne room,
Got smacked like a dog, oh I’m doomed!
A toy dictator, cashing checks and slingin’ heat,
But can’t face the fire from the real elite!
Dumbass, dumbass, yeah, that's my name,
Got slapped off the stage, oh what a shame!

*(Verse 2)*
Sippin’ on my pride, I’m drowning in my tears,
Apologies to the king, I’m drowning in my fears.
Nazis and preachers, man, I’m a real freak,
But can’t negotiate? Nah, I’m feeling weak!

Trump’s got the throne, he’s the king of the show,
While I’m just a sad clown, putting on a bad show,
In the Oval Office, I stumbled and fell,
Surprised he didn’t smack me straight back to hell!

I’m a dumbass in the throne room,
Got smacked like a dog, oh I’m doomed!
A toy dictator, cashing checks and slingin’ heat,
But can’t face the fire from the real elite!
Dumbass, dumbass, yeah, that's my name,
Got slapped off the stage, oh what a shame!

Tom Cruise, I fawned, “You’re so damn fine!”
But man, I’m a joke, this moment’s all mine.
Call me Churchill, call me whatever you please,
But I’m just a punchline, begging down on my knees.

I’m a dumbass in the throne room,
Got smacked like a dog, oh I’m doomed!
A toy dictator, cashing checks and slingin’ heat,
But can’t face the fire from the real elite!
Dumbass, dumbass, yeah, that's my name,
Got slapped off the stage, oh what a shame!

So here’s my confession, I’m a mess on display,
A hog-fucker from Ukraine, what more can I say?
To the greats I bow down, take my final stand,
Vladimir, the dumbass, just a joke in this land!
Yeah, a dumbass, a fool, that’s my brand,
But I’ll keep barking louder, with my tail in the sand!

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Dumbass in the Throne Room

Raw Dirty South Outlaw Country rock with deep voiced male singer
