Rick James
Bossa nova techno, hip hop, synthesiser, trumpet , funk , electronicLyrics
(“king kong ain’t got shit on me
I'm one of the baddest motherfuckers of all time. One of the best singers and best lookin' motherfuckers you ever seen.
Hold my drink, bitch.")
this cocky nicca must have a glitch
his outfit is actually taking the piss
this guy is dressed like a bitch
how on earth is this nicca rich
these red thigh highs make him limp
he looks like homeless pimp
he screams out of no where
I'm standing there I'm thinking, "This nicca’s lost his fucking mind."
First of all, you don't slap a man.
get with the times
this nicca seems to habitually cross lines
even when slapping was fashionable,
They would have a dual and SOMONE would die
look bitch cocaine is a hell of a drug
show me a nicca that ain’t got bloody gloves
bitch come give Charlie Murphy a hug
got Tyrone Biggums sucking cock for drugs
Ashy Larry’s over there gambling with thugs
Clayton bigs-bee’s leader of the klux
got paul money as negro-Daam-ass
Calvin’s working wac-Arnold’s regist-ah’s
im Rick James I said
come give Charlie Murphy head
it’s a fucking celebration
come and see my water bed
see these boots the vinyls red
got hectic braids on my head
cocaine is pretty much spoon fed
click my fingers I don’t beg
up for anything come let’s peg
look cocaines a hell of a drug
what can I say
back when crack was all the rage
get coke dick so id fuck all day
makes my penis dissipate
my favourite food is crack Cocaine
I make bad look rather tame
This man in Boots has got some game
when it comes to drugs I make it rain
This cocky Cunt has got no shame
love my drugs, all different strains
got cocaine coursing through my veins
No introductions, I’m self acclaimed
I’m a fucking household name
im super freak the names Rick James
fuck your couch and fuck your claims
where the fuck is my cocaine
let get high and all gang bang
im little John all I says (“OHHH-KAAAAAY !”)
this the player haters ball
and I’m buck nast-ay
see this ring , says UNIIIIIIIIIITAY
where is darkeness come let’s play
quick tell prince to bring pancakes
(“they never should have give you niccas mon-ay”)
im a sexed up super freak
the Murphy brothers wailing on my knees
all in leather bitch have a geez
don’t have blue balls here look at these
so drained they hang down to me knees
this nicca family is as white as hell
this racial draft went rather swell
hey Rick don’t look to well
(“now that you mention it I think I’m bleeding in my chest “)
(“Why did you hit me Charlie Murphy!?”)
(“Cos you hit me man!”)
(“That was weeks ago motherfucker!”)
(“you think I Just grind my feet on someone's couch,
like it's something to do?
Yeah, I remember grinding my feet into Eddie's couch.")
what’s it to you
they broke my legs
and platform shoes
had to crawl back home to Malibu
unlike my voice the ground ain’t smooth
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