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Locking Tusks

Energetic Rock, Badass Tone, Action Vibe, Motivational Mood


[Intro Music]

We’re Locking Tusks Now!

[Interlude Music]


Cities unsafe,

Streets unstable,

The world is a scary place.

Powers corrupt,

Conflict ignites,

Survival is a race.

Will you curl up and pray,

It will all go away,

Or are you going to make a stand?

I know what my plans are,

They could not be more far,

From burying my head in the sand!



Get. Set.



You assholes think that you can come at me?

Well think again!

Cuz guess what!

We’re Locking Tusks Now!

You picked the wrong fucker to bully!

Let’s begin then!

Cuz guess what!

We’re Locking Tusks Now!

O! K!

I’m in for a wild ride!

K! O!

You’re in for a shit night!

You assholes think that you can come at me?

Well think again!

Cuz guess what!

We’re Locking Tusks Now!

[Interlude Music]

We’re Locking Tusks Now.


I learned it all,

While growing up.

Start it not, but finish it.

Scumbags always

Push us around.

I am so done with their shit.

If they throw the first punch,

They will get just as much,

If not more, of a painful ordeal!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned,

It’s when tables are turned,

Then the situation will get real!



Get. Set.



You assholes think that you can come at me?

Well think again!

Cuz guess what!

We’re Locking Tusks Now!

You picked the wrong fucker to bully!

Let’s begin then!

Cuz guess what!

We’re Locking Tusks Now!

O! K!

I’m in for a wild ride!

K! O!

You’re in for a shit night!

You assholes think that you can come at me?

Well think again!

Cuz guess what!

We’re Locking Tusks Now!


Evil prevails if good does nothing!

All of the scum of the earth need stopping!



Get. Set.



You assholes think that you can come at me?

Well think again!

Cuz guess what!

We’re Locking Tusks Now!

You picked the wrong fucker to bully!

Let’s begin then!

Cuz guess what!

We’re Locking Tusks Now!

O! K!

I’m in for a wild ride!

K! O!

You’re in for a shit night!

You assholes think that you can come at me?

Well think again!

Cuz guess what!

We’re Locking Tusks Now!

[Outro Music]

We’re Locking Tusks Now!


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Locking Tusks

Energetic Rock, Badass Tone, Action Vibe, Motivational Mood
