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Caps and Creatures

Post-Apocalyptic Rock,


Verse 1:

Woke up in a world gone cold,
Vault doors open, stories untold.
Step outside to a sky of gray,
Radiation clouds won't fade away.


With caps in my pocket, I roam the land,
Trading my way through the desolate sands.
Ghouls in the shadows, deathclaws in sight,
Exploring the wasteland, surviving the night.

Verse 2:

Stumbled upon a ghostly town,
Whispers of the past all around.
Raiders lurk with hunger eyes,
But I've got grit and a will to survive.


With caps in my pocket, I roam the land,
Trading my way through the desolate sands.
Ghouls in the shadows, deathclaws in sight,
Exploring the wasteland, surviving the night.


Caps for bullets, caps for bread,
Caps for a place to rest my head.
In this world, they're all we've got,
A currency for a time forgot.

Verse 3:

Face to face with a deathclaw's glare,
Heartbeat racing, but I won't despair.
Pulled the trigger, stood my ground,
Another beast falls without a sound.

Final Chorus:

With caps in my pocket, I own the night,
Trading my way under neon lights.
Ghouls behind me, horizons ahead,
Exploring the wasteland, nothing to dread.


Echoes of footsteps on broken streets,
Every day's a battle, every breath a feat.
But I keep on walking, beneath the stars so vast,
In the land of fallout, making moments last.

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Caps and Creatures

Post-Apocalyptic Rock,
