Dark atmospheric, violin, c minor, female voice, heavy bassLyrics
hey mister. you sneaky as a spy mole
U watch me peepee through a hole
So crass u see my ass
U a creep!
All the while u was beaten on the meat
Big juicy meat thatcha love beat
U watch my bushless twat
squeaky clean splashsplashsplash ova the sink
That yoni hot i know u love it
U wanna pat-pat-pee-pat it dry dontcha?
lick me up clean the scene
sniff and gulp it
Go lightly down that pink slit start to water
Go up to the top feel blood building all in my cletttt-ah
Xixizeezah bling blong blueblue
Nothing better than to see me.. booboo!
I know u wanna sniff and taste I'll take no shower
Boy u almost make others dry heave u Eddie bauer
eat my dookie
u the only one who love tastin that dookee
u so open minded eatin the dookie
u love my dirty booty
dookie booty
ya mouth look like u just ate chocolate moose cake
my clett hard as u got my diarrhea on your face. haha.
rub. in..oh... mmmmhmmmm...ahhhhh
dookie all over your lips oh no! heheheh
u so tabooooo i love it. hello.
next time creep on me mr perv
when u watchin me use the bathroom hit a nerve
while i piss
beatin off imma use your mouth as my ports potty my wilderness poop kit
ploop ploop sploot pssss take a golp the
butt hole to your liphole gulp gulp gulp. n know u love this
on ya lips but don't even think about attempting a kiss
boy u so freeee
snarfin down my bootys doookie that smelly dookie booty
that dookie dookie ahhhh yeahhhhhh
dookie booty
that dookie booty ahhhh yeahhhhhh
dookie booty
that dookie booty ahhh yeaa
ohh my clettt oh it got all swolen
y u got me hot thinking bout u eatin a new brown foreign
said you got me all ploop. uh oh. im constipated. help! I'll push, your tongue can it help me scoop? Auuuh its a long turd use the tongue loosen it, make a loop. while you suck it all down. know i had no doubt.
yup we're weird no shame 2 weirdos unbound
sit on ya face soothe my hole for me mr pleeeeeease
i fall off your lips dead laughin
this odd subversive piece
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Willkommen in der nächsten Generation der Musikerstellung mit unserer KI-Songs-Bibliothek, wo innovative künstliche Intelligenz auf kreative Ausdrucksform trifft. Erkunde eine riesige Auswahl an von Nutzern generierter KI-Songs in verschiedenen Genres, Stimmungen und Sprachen...
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Hauptmerkmale unserer KI-Songs-Bibliothek:
- Breite Genre-Auswahl: Entdecke Songs in verschiedenen Genres wie Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop, Klassik, Jazz, Ambient und mehr, alle generiert durch fortschrittliche KI-Technologie.
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- Mehrsprachige Liedtexte: Unsere Bibliothek umfasst Songs in verschiedenen Sprachen, einschließlich Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch und vielen anderen.
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Warum unsere KI-generierten Songs wählen?
- Hohe Klangqualität: Unsere KI-Songs sind darauf ausgelegt, natürlich und professionell zu klingen und ein immersives Hörerlebnis zu schaffen.
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