Voodoo Curse
Aggrotech, Hellectro and EBM influences with haunting techno melodies, grim male lyrics, and melodic techno layers. A blend of introspection and dark beauty, themes of pain and inner destruction.Lyrics
Whispers coil in the midnight haze,
A shadowed priest, his venom lays.
Through cursed chants and fractured air,
A madness blooms, a darkened snare.
The drums beat slow, the spirits rise,
A poison cloud, a veil of lies.
No mercy dwells within his hand,
The nightmare spreads at his command.
Voodoo curse, a blight on the mind,
Dreams dissolve, no peace to find.
A shamans tongue, a demon’s call,
Through endless torment, they will fall.
Eyes of fire, a wicked glow,
Through twisted roots, the horrors grow.
His touch consumes, the soul decays,
A puppet dance in shadow’s maze.
The sleeper’s cries, a haunted tune,
Bound by the will of a blackened rune.
His power deep, his wrath profound,
Eternal fear is tightly wound.
Voodoo curse, a blight on the mind,
Dreams dissolve, no peace to find.
A shamans tongue, a demon’s call,
Through endless torment, they will fall.
No dawn will break, no savior’s hand,
Just whispered names in cursed sand.
Through spectral chains, their minds are torn,
In endless pain, reborn, reshaped.
The spirits writhe, the silence screams,
A hellish realm of broken dreams.
The web is spun, the trap is set,
A voodoo curse they won’t forget.
Voodoo curse, a blight on the mind,
Dreams dissolve, no peace to find.
A shamans tongue, a demon’s call,
Through endless torment, they will fall.
In shadowed depths, his craft unfolds,
A wicked art, a tale retold.
Through nightmare’s grip, they meet their end,
A voodoo curse that none defend.
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Voodoo Curse
Aggrotech, Hellectro and EBM influences with haunting techno melodies, grim male lyrics, and melodic techno layers. A blend of introspection and dark beauty, themes of pain and inner destruction.