J9 song
Oh, it’s a special day, let’s all gather ‘round,
For Jeannine's birthday, joy in every sound!
With love in our hearts, we celebrate you,
Happy birthday, J9, here’s to all you do!
J10’s got the cake, Gunner and Gracie too,
A family of love, it’s all about you.
Chuck and Norma cheer, it’s a double delight,
Sharing this birthday, oh what a beautiful sight!
Happy birthday, J9, let the candles glow,
At Lake Norman's sunset, watch the colors flow.
With sushi and Prosecco, laughter fills the air,
We’re raising a toast, for a love so rare!
On blissful weekends, we sip coffee in the sun,
With you beside me, life’s the sweetest run.
Murder shows on the screen, bath time's your escape,
In cozy water’s embrace, you find your happy place.
Happy birthday, J9, let the candles glow,
At Lake Norman's sunset, watch the colors flow.
With sushi and Prosecco, laughter fills the air,
We’re raising a toast, for a love so rare!
Red-haired wonder, you make our house a home,
With laughter and love, we’ll never feel alone.
Bob and Deanna smiling, from the heavens above,
Celebrating you, wrapped in warmth and love.
From morning ‘til night, memories we create,
Every moment with you, it’s never too late.
With friends all around, we dance and we sing,
Cheers to the joy, that your presence brings!
Happy birthday, J9, let the candles glow,
At Lake Norman's sunset, watch the colors flow.
With sushi and Prosecco, laughter fills the air,
We’re raising a toast, for a love so rare!
So here’s to you, Jeannine, oh what a delight,
Wishing you happiness, on this magical night.
With every year passing, our love only grows,
Happy birthday, dear J9, everybody knows!
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