4 minutes, gritty, dark, outlaw country, rock, rebel bluesLyrics
On an old dirt Texas highway road,
is a town of one family.
Close knit,
They take care of their own.
This family is one for one & one for all.
This town gets their fill on passer-by’s.
they eat the flesh of man.
This is the land of…
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
The only gas station in these parts is run by The cook.
If the cook ain’t got no gas,
and the cook gives you fair warning.
You best get, while the gettin’s good.
Here an artist hitches this road,
fixated on dead bodies & blood.
Riding through Texas,
you might see one of his pieces,
or worse,
This town has a no-none sense sheriff.
He may be this town’s lawman,
but don’t be mistaken,
he’s an outlaw.
Here, dwells a boy built like a bear.
He has the strength of three men.
The speed of a linebacker &,
The face of another.
Grandpa is a Legend of the ol’ west & ol’ south.
Made a glorious mark in Texas,
he has eaten many a man.
Once touted The Henry Armstrong of crackin’ skulls.
The cook is the ties that bind.
The cook has his thoughts of guilt.
The cook wild eyed and crazed.
The cook will prod & poke,
Beat & club,
but he just don’t enjoy,
Wether it be,
Jerky or steak,
his famous chili.
The cook is cooking up,
something special.
The Artist will cut himself,
The Artist will bleed in joy.
The Artist will cut you.
You will bleed.
The Artist will enjoy.
Blood in and blood out.
Bleed this and bleed that.
He will wear his red.
He will wear your red.
This Sheriff is an Outlaw.
This Sheriff knows no quit.
This Sheriff shows no sympathy.
This Sheriff is a dark horse.
He’s an Outlaw.
An Outlaw.
He’s trouble,
& trouble finds a way.
He will blow you away.
The Law,
is an Outlaw!
The boy will mallet your brain.
The boy will have you hooked.
The boy will fuh-lay your face.
The boy will chainsaw his way,
to bring you the pain.
In the hot summer of nineteen seventy three,
This boy,
they call leather-face carried out…
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
He’s revved up,
and ready to do it all again!
Grandpa is well into his hundreds.
Grandpa is beloved by his family.
Grandpa is an icon in the eyes of his grandson.
Grandpa suckles at the wounds of weary women guest.
Gramps might be eternal?
Gramps youth very well,
could be a thing of legend?
Gramps maybe,
the greatest butcher Texas ever had?
One things for damn sure Gramps,
drinks human blood…
This is the family of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
This is the town of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
Here lives The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
Here abides,
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
He swings that mallet with,
bolt-action force.
He will shatter your skull.
Leave you death shakin’.
He will chase you down with his chainsaw.
He will leave you in pieces.
He will spill your guts.
He will wear your face.
He will bring forth un-to you,
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
He’s revved up,
and ready to do it all again…
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