Rainy Days
Euphoric pop, synthwave, partyLyrics
(Yeah, oh oh)
Let the storm come down, we’re ready for the thrill,
Dancing in the rain, let’s feel our hearts fill,
So grab my hand now, we won’t be alone,
Under these gray skies, we will find our home.
Raindrops falling, painting the streets,
Every splash a melody, do you feel the beat?
The world disappears, just you and me,
Lost in the rhythm, feel wild and free.
Forget the worries, let’s break the chains,
With every heartbeat, we’ll dance through the rain,
Laughter and music, a symphony of hope,
When we’re together, we don't need a coat.
Let us dance, dance, dance in the rain,
Spinning ‘round and ‘round, let go of the pain,
Feel the joy, let it wash over our souls,
Dancing in the rain - this moment makes us whole!
Yeah, we’re dancing, dancing, dancing in the rain,
Together forever, through sunshine or pain.
Clouds are swirling, but we won’t fear,
Our hearts are shining, nothing’s more clear,
With every drop, we’re cleaning the past,
In this storm of love, we’re free at last.
Feel the connection, electric and bright,
As we twirl and sway under city lights,
With you by my side, the world’s on fire,
In this downpour, we rise higher and higher.
Let us dance, dance, dance in the rain,
Spinning ‘round and ‘round, let go of the pain,
Feel the joy, let it wash over our souls,
Dancing in the rain - this moment makes us whole!
Yeah, we’re dancing, dancing, dancing in the rain,
Together forever, through sunshine or pain.
Life’s storms may come, but we’ll never hide,
With each puddle splashed, we’re bursting with pride,
So let the thunder roll, let the lightning strike,
In this beat of passion, everything feels right.
Let us dance, dance, dance in the rain,
Spinning ‘round and ‘round, let go of the pain,
Feel the joy, let it wash over our souls,
Dancing in the rain - this moment makes us whole!
Yeah, we’re dancing, dancing, dancing in the rain,
Together forever, through sunshine or pain.
Oh, as the lightning strikes and the thunder rolls,
We'll keep dancing, fulfilling our souls.
In every drop, in every refrain,
Forever we’ll dance, in this glorious rain.
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