T.T.I. Pain
hip-hop, reggae, drums, guitarLyrics
that energy of anger that wraps its aura around I,
is not the only style of intricacy with which I write,
look onto the paper of which the letters are confined,
and read along as it’s delivered via the A.I.,
with a touch of elegance as I raise a fist to the sky,
and contemplate why mentally my mind is paralyzed,
stricken by the thought of another day in the T.T.I.
being thrown against walls and beaten while I was childlike,
robbed of any innocence ever felt down inside,
a deep hatred for the system began to coincide,
with, a drive to sink an assortment of various knives into the jugular of Tyler’s social life…Let’s not forget all the staff stuck up in my mind!
Donna, Shasta, Tara, Corey,
Tyler, Thomas, Devon, every name mentioned, direct warning, I’m on the hunt like a rabid hound, and when I find you, POP POP POP that’s a 50 cal, ayo Jeb! I feel the darkness climbing its way up my neck, I can feel Orochimaru’s mark, let’s rob ‘em of their heads! and the lungs that inflate and keep them alive and well, because we sure couldn’t breathe with your feet stomping us to Hell! so it’s only fair, and karma’s here to collect her dues! I’m that Door Kicker bitch, and I just fuckin’ dismembered you.
to my life, you all owe your servitude, to their lives, you’re all eternally indebted to, so many children, committed suicide because of you, and you think I’m gonna hesitate to pull this trigger over your abuse? Ben Trane got off easy, Ben Trane was still on the news, Ben Trane should be extorted in prison, so Ben Trane I sent one for you…
Let it serve as a warning, this song as a confessional, they didn’t silence a thing, Im in the hallways screaming digital, let it serve as a reminder I over came mountains, truly biblical, at the ripe age of 13, I endured pain considered mythical, they called me a liar, yup, so typical…but then they saw Netflix, and apologized overnight, I asked what changed? they saw me in a different light…well that’s fine and dandy, but I’m 32 now…where was this love? when I had to choke his dick down?
Believe me now?
I said!
The radio said “you won’t get a play with that stupid voice!”
that’s the same thing they told me when they’d try to silence my fuckin’ noise!
and when they said I couldn’t kiss the other boys,
but I did it anyways!
Middle fingers raised to M.W.A.
I stand outside as I watch it burn in flames,
that I lit with a bic and some gasoline…
fire department arrived, but they didn’t dress that night, they let it burn down with the memories of all the broken lives, and finally gave solace to the souls stuck inside…
May they rest in peace…
May they rest in peace…
It was almost me…
Will I ever rest in peace?
or is it,
nightmares and lunacy,
induced by C-PTSD?
Will you ever let me rest?
get the fuck out of my memories!
Evil energy,
evil energy,
get the fuck out of my,
my memories,
evil energies,
evil memories…
Leave me…
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