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I need a villain

Heavy metal, metal, I need a héroe version, growls, rock


Where have all the good men gone,
And where have all the gods?
Mankind choking on its own demise and their foolish self destruct

I Refuse to be part of this pitiful excuse of a human race.
If they wanna see hell, I will gladly drag them to the flames

I need a villain!
I'm calling out for a villain from the darkest corners of space!
He's gonna be fearless, and he’s gotta be skilled,
He’s gotta be a threat for this wretched world!
I need a villain!
I'm calling out for a villain from the darkest corners of space!
He’s gonna be fearless, and he’s gotta be skilled,
He’s gotta be a threat for this wretched world!
Wretched world!

Alone in the darkness of the night we share our most Sickest fantasies.
He’s out there and loves that I’m twisted and corrupted just like him.

We shall build our Thrones in a pile of ashing corpses
And we shall make our very own paradise in their new hell that was a ripe for the taking

I need a villain!
I'm calling out for a villain from the darkest corners of space!
He's gonna be fearless, and he’s gotta be skilled,
He’s gotta be a threat for this wretched world!
I need a villain!
I'm calling out for a villain from the darkest corners of space!
He’s gonna be fearless, and he’s gotta be skilled,
He’s gotta be a threat for this wretched world!
Wretched world!

Wherever they turn, they’ll say nothing but a dead bleeding world
Enslaved without a chance of escaping his powerful grip
I could swear he’s out there beyond the known universe and its dark energy watching me
And I shall rule by his side as his queen
I can feel his approach like a fire in the blood

like a fire in the blood like a fire in the blood like a fire in the blood like a fire in the blood!!!

I need a villain!
I'm calling out for a villain from the darkest corners of space!
He's gonna be fearless, and he’s gotta be skilled,
He’s gotta be a threat for this wretched world!
I need a villain!
I'm calling out for a villain from the darkest corners of space
He's gonna be fearless, and he’s gotta be skilled,
He’s gotta be a threat for this wretched world!

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I need a villain

Heavy metal, metal, I need a héroe version, growls, rock
