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Siren Head

Trap metal, phonk, electronic, future bass, trap metal bass, heavy and dark vibe


[intro:]Siren Head Siren Head Siren Head Siren Head
[Siren’s Warning]

[Verse 1]
In the fucking woods, he’s lurking, silent and tall
A shadow in the trees, waiting for the call
Metal twisted, sirens scream through the night
You hear that screech, but you’re too scared to fight

He’s got no face, just the sound of your death
That fucked-up noise rips away your breath
Six stories tall, you can’t fucking run
The last thing you hear is that fucking siren’s hum

Siren Head’s coming, you can’t escape
Feel the fear creeping, it’s too fucking late
No place to hide, no safe fucking space
He’s the demon here to end your fucking race

He’s the Siren Head, calls your name
Dragging you down into the grave
No way out, your hope is gone
He’s the nightmare that you’ve been running from
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Siren Head Siren Head Siren Head Siren Head
[Siren’s Warning]
[Verse 2]
You hear the echoes of his fucked-up song
Twisting your mind, pulling you along
He plays the screams of those who’ve died
And now it’s your turn, nowhere to hide

Footsteps thunder, ground cracks beneath
You beg for mercy, but can’t fucking breathe
He’s got no pity, just hunger to feed
Siren Head’s the last fucking thing you’ll see

Siren Head’s coming, you can’t escape
Feel the fear creeping, it’s too fucking late
No place to hide, no safe fucking space
He’s the demon here to end your fucking race

He’s the Siren Head, calls your name
Dragging you down into the grave
No way out, your hope is gone
He’s the nightmare that you’ve been running from
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Siren Head Siren Head Siren Head Siren Head
[Siren’s Warning]

The sound of death, tearing through the trees
You’re frozen in fear, dropped to your knees
He’s towering above, ready to strike
His sirens scream, fuck, it’s your last night

(Trap Metal Breakdown)
No fucking hope, you’re lost in his game
He’ll rip you apart, no shame, no name
He’s the devil’s fucking beast
And you’re just meat for his fucking feast

He’s the Siren Head, calls your name
Dragging you down into the grave
No way out, your hope is gone
He’s the nightmare that you’ve been running from
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

His curse is real, and you can’t escape
You’re trapped in his hell, it’s too fucking late
Broken, bleeding, but you beg for more
Siren Head’s the fucking demon you adore
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah… Siren Head Siren Head Siren Head Siren Head
[Siren’s Warning fading out.]

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Siren Head

Trap metal, phonk, electronic, future bass, trap metal bass, heavy and dark vibe
