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The fox is on the run

Jazz country disco , vocal harmony, violin church choir banjo harmonica saxophone trumpet piano


In the heart of the forest, shadows dance and play,
Mama fox has a hunger, she’s got her little ones to feed today.

When the mama fox is hungry, oh her cubs are starving,
She prowls through the thicket, the night is unforgiving.
But the hunters lie in wait, with their sights set so high,
Fires in their eyes, aiming for the evening sky.

You can run but you can’t hide, we like to hunt day and night,
We’ll track you down where you live, make the forest feel the fright.
Oh, we’ll melt you on our walls, we’ll take what we can find,
But Mama’s got her wits, she's got her cubs in her mind.

She scurries back to safety, her heart pounding in her chest,
When they drew near to her den, she knew she had to act her best.
“Cubs, listen close, it’s time to run and hide,”
Before the hunters find us, we’ll stay away from the tide.

You can run but you can’t hide, we like to hunt day and night,
We’ll track you down where you live, make the forest feel the fright.
Oh, we’ll melt you on our walls, we’ll take what we can find,
But Mama’s got her wits, she's got her cubs in her mind.

Underneath a rock they crouch, silent as the stars,
Huddled close together, listening to the cars.
The hunters search the forest, twenty-five hours in this game,
But mama whispers softly, “They won’t find us, just the same.”

As dawn breaks in the silence, the hunters have moved on,
Mama says, “Alright kids, come on, the danger’s gone.”
She found some crispy fried chicken, a feast for her delight,
The cubs snuggled close to her, safe in the warm sunlight.

You can run but you can’t hide, we like to hunt day and night,
We’ll track you down where you live, make the forest feel the fright.
Oh, we’ll melt you on our walls, we’ll take what we can find

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The fox is on the run

Jazz country disco , vocal harmony, violin church choir banjo harmonica saxophone trumpet piano
