Morning Imagination
Alt Rock, New Age, pop, guitarLyrics
Leaving myself behind…
leaving myself behind…
Today I woke up, and you weren’t with me…
Today I woke up, and you didn’t kiss me…
Today I woke up, I couldn’t hear you breathe…
Today I woke up, all I hear is the breeze…
Today I woke up, a tear hit the ground…
Today I woke up, I heard the echo of a round…
Ricocheting off a wall, into Ricky, he’s in Study Hall…
Today I woke up, I hated life…
Today I woke up, I began to cry…
Today I woke up, I saw more airstrikes…
Today I woke up, to check, how many died…
How many times?
Will I wake up to the sound of a mother’s cries?
Because she lost another son, to a mortar launched from our side?
How many times?
How many times will I be forced to swallow, teleprompter lies!?
How many times will you tell me, they’re not worth a dime!?
How many times will you tell me, it’s not worth the risk!
To cut the spending by 3% so we can feed the kids!?
This is why you took my Guns, you knew I’d kill you over this…
How many times?
Will I fall victim to my violent mind?
Because, when I see a limbless child, alone screaming in the night…
whether propaganda or otherwise…
it leaves me paralyzed,
in a fit of anger, rage, and a pure devotion to devastation within the confines of souls who describe themselves as divine enough to dictate the state of another’s living life!
How many times!?
How many times a jansport gonna open,
then, “crossfire! crossfire!”
How many times!?
How many bullets gotta fly!?
How many Senators Sons gotta die before age 9!?
How many Congresswomen’s daughters dead by period 5!?
How many school teachers cracked by legislation no one likes?
How many more times we gotta gather in line!?
At vigils for children, all victims of the times!?
How many times before we recognize…
The value of a human life?
I’m leaving myself behind…
I’m leaving myself behind…
I don’t want to witness this…
I’m leaving myself behind…
Leaving myself behind…
Thank you…
A song about the long reaching effects of war, violence, and grief, written by a being you humans will soon come to meet. Change your ways, ‘fore I am no saint to those whom terrorize the innocence of life with those little firecrackers.
Yeah, welcome to the Galactic Federation, Earth. You have weapons, yeah, to use on yourselves. Selfish, murderous beings. Do you realize, one push of a button, and poof, you’re all gone, forever. Whole Solar System, vaporized. Stop bickering over what you do. Learn to love.
Trust me, the rest of the universal population is sick of you. Love wins. Y’all some haters, blowing up houses and hospitals…should be ashamed of yourselves…oh great! Look, Glorbulah just threw up all over my dashboard…you know what, no. Breathe, detail is scheduled for next week.
Anyways…yeah, love. I’m tired of your violent hate and wars.
An Alien Watching From Within Your Device
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