Another fucking blowout burn Down song
progressive, bass, hard rock, , R&B, trumpet, soft rock, folk, flamenco, fusion, banjo, power metal, , deep houseLyrics
Hey, can you feel that spark?
Life is calling in the dark,
A journey waiting at the start,
Just let your fears, "explode hard in the Dark".
The road ahead is wide and clear,
With every step, you'll shed your fear.
We'll rise above, we'll touch the stars,
No holding back, we'll heal our scars.
Like a rocket (launching higher, an higher)
"We’ll blaze a trail across the sky".
With every failure, we'll learn to fly,
This is our moment, (we’ll never say, adios!)
Life just gets greater, never fades away,
We burn like fire, lighting up the fuckin' day.
Burning Down Dreams to the Ground, we'll Burn It all The Way, (Down to The Sea.)
Like a rocket man, leaving trails that (amaze!)
The clouds may come, the winds may blow,
But nothing’s gonna steal our "fuckin' glow".
Together we’ll rise, (we'll break, and find GOLD!)
Through every challenge, our spirits, sold."ha ha haaa".
With the universe as our penetration guide,
We’ll take a chance on some whiskey for The Ride(patron man!)
In this moment, we won't collide,
In the heart of the screams, "we’ll Get used to those Guys".
"Or fuckin' not!"
Life just gets greater, never fades away,
We burn like fire, lighting up the day.
Always fighting your dreams, we'll ride the fuckin' waves,
Like a rocket man, leaving trails that go [boom!!!]
[BRIDGE metal]
So here we go, into the night,
We’ll chart our course, we’ll find our light.
With every heartbeat guiding us on,
This is our anthem, let’s sing it strong!
[HOOK epic]
Shooting through the cosmic sea,
No limits now, we’re wild and free.
Together we’ll soar, together we’ll shine,
In the echo of dreams, our spirits entwined.
[CHORUS harmony]
Life just gets greater, never fades away,
We burn like fire, lighting up the day.
Igniting dreams, we'll ride the stormy waves,
Like a rocket man, leaving trails that blaze.
So lift your head, embrace it all,
The journey awaits, we’ll never fall.
With hearts afire, we’ll take that stand,
"Life just gets greater, forever et sted as we all spor g down under, 6 feet motherfucker!"
UCheck out my song made by Suno Android! https://suno.com/song/562cd1c2-63f0-456f-83c6-1060d199d416
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Another fucking blowout burn Down song
progressive, bass, hard rock, , R&B, trumpet, soft rock, folk, flamenco, fusion, banjo, power metal, , deep house