They are coming
### **"Shadow War (Sanctum Coalition Rap)"**
**[Verse 1]**
In the future where the skies crack and thunder roars,
Dark forces creeping in, knockin' at humanity's doors,
Leaders made a pact, thought they had it all in control,
But ancient beings laugh, as they swallow up their soul.
There’s a fight for survival in the dead of night,
Battling the darkness, tryin' to find the light,
Sacred sites glowin', ancient power in the air,
But every step they take, those creatures are there.
Diggin' deep into secrets from the ancient days,
Paranormal knowledge leading through the maze,
Seen the symbols in the shadows, truths long denied,
Now it's time to confront what we’ve tried to hide.
It’s a war for the planet, every soul on the line,
Fightin' for the future, yo, we ain’t got time,
Darkness rising, tearing through the seams,
But we’re standin' tall, holdin' onto our dreams.
**[Verse 2]**
In the east, they’re playin' cautious with the cards,
Tryin' to hedge their bets while the shadows hit hard,
But the cracks in their plans, they start to show,
When you dance with devils, it’s a dangerous flow.
Out in the desert, deep in a hidden lair,
There’s tech from beyond, it’s beyond compare,
Twistin' space and time with a flick of the switch,
But you push it too hard, you’ll end up in the ditch.
Faith stands strong where science falls short,
Facing off with demons in a holy court,
Callin' on powers that the eye can’t see,
Exorcisin' spirits, setting the world free.
It’s a war for the planet, every soul on the line,
Fightin' for the future, yo, we ain’t got time,
NEPHILEM rising, tearing through the seams,
But we’re standin' tall, holdin' onto our dreams.
From the cities to the deserts, the rifts are wide,
Dark forces comin' through, nowhere to hide,
But we’ve got the knowledge, we’ve got the gear,
In this shadow war, we ain’t showin' fear.
**[Verse 3]**
On the frontlines, tech in hand,
Digging through the past to make a stand,
Movin' pieces in a deadly game,
Calling out to powers that we can’t name.
Racing the clock, stakes higher than before,
Darkness tryin' to open up a final door,
But we’re in the fight, won’t let ‘em take control,
This world’s ours, and we’re protectin' our soul.
It’s a war for the planet, every soul on the line,
Fightin' for the future, yo, we ain’t got time,
Darkness rising, tearing through the seams,
But we’re standin' tall, holdin' onto our dreams.
The fight ain't over, the war’s just begun,
In this shadow war, we’re the chosen ones,
Darkness looms, it’s looming and tall,
But united we stand, we ain’t gonna fall.
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