Sentient Noses
90s, unconventional, grunge, weird, catchy, electric guitar, bass, drums, flute, keyboard, dishevled male vocalsLyrics
Sentient Noses living in peace.
Sentient Noses live on a secret island.
They are magical little beings.
They *snot.*
They play.
They are born through the vines of the “Mighty nasal tree.”
They are a *human-noid* nose with little legs and little feet….
the island is no longer unknown…
human-beings have made contact.
Sentient Noses have been found.
Sentient Noses a *beautiful* discovery..!
They are finding many.
(Oh..! Oh…
The possibilities…)
have you ever seen a chicken numb with…
did you ever notice how simple it is to train a dog to be your…
could you ever lock a person in the dark till they, go *in*…
These living noses are being…
They do not eat,
They do not drink.
Religion *hates* them.
Science *breaks* them.
Sentient Noses on the run.
Sentient Noses hide,
Sentient Noses fear for their “lives..!”
have you ever seen a chicken numb with…
did you ever notice how simple it is to train a dog to be your…
could you ever lock a person in the dark till they, go *in*…
Sentient Noses are being used for their mucus membrane, boogs & snot.
They are planting many *nostril* Trees,
at the sacrifice of the original “Mighty Nasal Tree”,
All in the name of science, and by science I mean *money…*
Large Plantations are now full of these living, walking, little innocent noses.
Well, they need no food or water.
They need just enough room to breath.
They need no light.
They need no *empathy.*
They need to be “lucrative.”
They need to be used.
They need to be drained.
They need to be “commercialized.”
Sentient Noses make for great pets.
Dress them up.
Pick them.
They will obey.
Sit boy.
Run boy.
*Bad Nose!*
Is this *snot* on the carpet?!
*No, Snotting in the house!*
Time to correct it…
You can beat it, make it listen.
Rub it in its own snot, make it understand..!
have you ever seen a chicken numb with…
did you ever notice how simple it is to train a dog to be your…
could you ever lock a person in the dark till they, go *in*…
(Oh, oh…
The Possibilities..!)
Sentient Noses…
Sentient Noses…
Sentient Noses…
You are ours now..!
You are owned.
You are being farmed.
You are becoming domesticated.
Precious, Pure,
*Sentient Noses…*
Have you ever seen a Nose numb with…
Did you ever notice how simple it is to train a Nose to be your…
Could you ever lock a Nose in the dark till it, goes *in*…
“We, Nosey Bastards”
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Sentient Noses
90s, unconventional, grunge, weird, catchy, electric guitar, bass, drums, flute, keyboard, dishevled male vocals