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Can’t Breathe Without You

Genre: Deep House/Progressive House Mood: Melancholic, euphoric, and emotional Tempo: 124 BPM Vocals: Soulful, emotional, with group-style vocals in the chorus for a chant-like effect, male


[Verse 1]
Empty nights, hollow days,
Lost in a world of silent haze.
Chasing dreams that slip away,
Without your touch, I fade away.

I thought I’d be fine on my own,
But every heartbeat feels alone.
No walls can keep your ghost outside,
I need you here, right by my side.

I can’t breathe without you,
No, I can’t see without you.
The air feels thin, the night so long,
Without your love, I don’t belong.
I can’t breathe without you,
No, I can’t feel without you.
The world’s a shadow, cold and blue,
I can’t breathe without you.

[Verse 2]
Endless streets, familiar pain,
I hear your voice call out my name.
But it’s just echoes in the dark,
A fragile flame, a dying spark.

[Bridge] [with rising tension before the drop]
Love’s a fire I can’t deny,
I need you here, I need to try.
No more running, no more pride,
Just take my hand, stay by my side.

[Final Chorus] [with euphoric drop]
I can’t breathe without you,
No, I can’t see without you.
The air feels thin, the night so long,
Without your love, I don’t belong.
I can’t breathe without you,
No, I can’t feel without you.
The world’s a shadow, cold and blue,
I can’t breathe without you.

[Outro] [fading synths with soft vocal repetition]
I can’t breathe… without you…

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Can’t Breathe Without You

Genre: Deep House/Progressive House Mood: Melancholic, euphoric, and emotional Tempo: 124 BPM Vocals: Soulful, emotional, with group-style vocals in the chorus for a chant-like effect, male
