Country inspirationalLyrics
Maddy's dancing with dreams, in a world so bright,
She’s a queen in the chaos, shining through the night.
Carter, Corbin, Cacen, her heart’s pure delight,
But she needs a partner, to share the flight.
In the morning glow, she wakes with a smile,
Three little faces, they make it all worthwhile.
But as the sun sets, and the day turns to grey,
Maddy knows deep down, there’s something more to say.
She’s got love to give, and a heart that’s wide,
Not looking for a boyfriend, just someone by her side.
In this dance of life, she wants to find the spark,
A partner for the journey, to light up the dark.
Maddy needs a partner, not a boy on the run,
Just someone to laugh with, to share the fun.
Hold her hand in the storms, be the calm in the night,
Two hearts intertwined, shining ever so bright.
Through playground laughter, and late-night talks,
She’s crafting a story, as they take their walks.
Carter climbs high, while Corbin and Cacen sing,
But Maddy feels the gap, in this beautiful ring.
She needs a kindred spirit, to share in the play,
Someone to dream with, to brighten the day.
In the wilds of motherhood, she’s a shining star,
But she craves a partner, to reach for the far.
Maddy needs a partner, not a boy on the run,
Just someone to laugh with, to share the fun.
Hold her hand in the storms, be the calm in the night,
Two hearts intertwined, shining ever so bright.
So here’s to the nights, under the moon’s glow,
Where laughter and love can endlessly flow.
A partner in crime, with a love that is true,
To share in the magic, together brand new.
Maddy needs a partner, not a boy on the run,
Just someone to laugh with, to share the fun.
Hold her hand in the
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