Outta The Dark.
Harmonisk, rock.Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I've been walking through shadows, lost in the night,
Chasing down dreams that fade out of sight.
The echoes of thunder, they call out my name,
Fighting my demons, but this ain't no game.
With every step forward, I feel the flames rise,
A spark in my heart, it's time to be wise.
Outta the dark, into the light,
I’ll rise like a phoenix, ready to fight.
No chains can hold me, I'm breaking free,
Outta the dark, this is where I'll be.
[Verse 2]
The battles I've faced, scars of the past,
Reflections of sorrow, but I’ll make it last.
With every heartbeat, I’m gaining my strength,
I’m forging my path, won't look back at length.
The whispers of doubt, they fade away fast,
In the power within, I’m free at last.
Outta the dark, into the light,
I’ll rise like a phoenix, ready to fight.
No chains can hold me, I'm breaking free,
Outta the dark, this is where I'll be.
The storm is raging, but I won't cower,
I’m standing my ground, embracing the power.
With the fire inside, I’m lighting the way,
Outta the dark, I’m here to stay.
[Guitar Solo]
[Verse 3]
So here I am, a warrior bold,
With dreams ignited, and a heart of gold.
The shadows may linger, but I’ve found my spark,
Dancing with the flames, I’m outta the dark!
Outta the dark, into the light,
I’ll rise like a phoenix, ready to fight.
No chains can hold me, I'm breaking free,
Outta the dark, this is where I'll be.
Outta the dark, watch me shine,
In the glow of the dawn, this moment is mine.
I’m ready to face whatever's ahead,
Outta the dark, my spirit won't shed.
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